eight , goodbye house

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goodbye house

CHAPTER EIGHTgoodbye house

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i can barley hear the screams of the children through the buzzing in my ears. the hollow seems to be taking its time, and instead of killing me, thrashes me around. i snap out of my shock quickly and scream out. "jake, what the fuck! you were supposed to shoot it!"

the hollow hits me against the mirror, causing it to smash into shards. i groan, but the knock on my head bought me an idea.

i make myself invisible, so the hollow cannot see where my eyes are. jake should still be able to see the hollow, and be able to shoot it. it looks confused, but continues to thrash me around.

the kids all scream my name, even more frightened now that they can't see me, as well as the hollow.

"go, get to the attic!" i hear jake shout at the others.

"millard, go!" i hear him yell.

"i'm not leaving her!" millard exclaims, but i can barley hear him over the hollow's low grunts. it hits me against the mirror again, which causes me to break focus and become visible.

it quickly wraps it's tongue around my neck, and begins to choke me. i gasp for air, as it holds down my arms, so i'm unable to pull at it.

not soon enough, jake fires the crossbow. i'm dropped from the air, and onto the floor. i cough, trying to regain my breath.

"come on, let's go!" jake and millard help me up, and guide me through the doorway.

my breathing returns some what back to normal, so i let go of both the boy's arms. we run to the attack, meeting everyone else. i'm instantly engulfed in a tight hug by fiona and hugh.

"i'm okay, guys." i mumble, pulling away to look at them both, "just frightened is all."

"you scared us half to death." hugh breaths, a small nervous chuckle escaping his lips.

"all right, uh.." jake mutters, looking around the room, "crap, it's almost reset!" he looks out the window, locking his jaw in distress.

the sound of aeroplanes fills me with worry, and i join jake by the window. i open it up, looking through the rain into the garden for a possible escape.

"fiona!" i call her over, spotting a tree not too far from the edge of the roof.

jake understands, "is there anything you can do with that tree?" he continues.

i move aside to let fiona look. "yes." she states, climbing through the window.

"be careful." jake tells her. she slides down the roof, and is stopped by the gutter. she carefully inches her way towards the tree.

"let's go, quickly!" jake exclaims, pointing to the open window.

i grab onto the twin's shoulders, pushing them towards the other window. i open it, sliding down first. i gasp as i hit the bottom, and take a deep breath.

my wet hair sticks to my face as i wait for the twins to appear. the rain doesn't seem to be stopping- of course it isn't. it hasn't stopped in nearly 80 years. they both come down together, and i grab them incase they slip. they shuffle towards fiona, who is still working on bringing the tree branch closer to us.

i wait at the bottom of the roof for bronwyn, helping her to gain her balance as she hits the bottom.

millard comes down next, and i grab hold of his hand to make sure he doesn't fall. "you alright?" i shout over the noise of the planes, focusing on the boy so i can see him. he nods his head, pulling me along with him.

fiona is able to finish the branch, and we all carefully walk across it. a smash sounds through the air, and i snap my head around to see another window in pieces.

"go maxine!" emma shouts at me, still standing on the roof with jake.

i nod, jumping down the tree to join the kids at the bottom. "let's go!" hugh yells, and we run as far and fast as we can away from the house. i stop and stare at it, watching as emma and jake float down.

'i want you to swear to me that no matter what, you will not risk your life to save the house' miss peregrine's voice rings through my ears.

i grimace, turning away and following the others. we watch through the bushes as a bomb is dropped on the house, killing the hollowgast, and destroying the house.

it becomes daylight again and the house is okay, but it quickly shifts back into the house destroyed and on fire.

"the loops closed." horace says from beside me.

"it's gone." i mutter, looking at our house.

all the memories. anything that belonged to us, things from our previous lives before the loop. victor. they were all gone, in a pit of ash, fire and rubble.


word count: 753
updated on: 2/08/18
last edited: 2/08/18

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