Chapter 1 : Mission

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Chapter 1 : Mission

"Shoot them down!" Krogan cried.

Dragonroot arrows flew up around the Dragon Riders, who all dodged them desperately.

"Ruff! Tuff! Snotlout! Stop the other ships from coming near us and the ship with the Hypintyre on it! Astrid! Help Fishlegs! I'll get the Hypintyre out of Krogan's hands!" Hiccup called.

Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, Dragon Rider, Leader, Heir to Berk, dodged multiple bolas, arrows and nets before closing in on the Dragon Hunter ship. Jumping off Toothless, Hiccup's Night Fury, he ran at the dragon-proof cage that housed the deadly and rare Hypintyre dragon.

The blue and white dragon roared at Hiccup, threatening him with it's poisonous horns and spikes that ran from the tip of it's nose to the tip of it's tail. Hiccup lifted the latch to the cage, opened the door and stood back.

"Go! You need to get out of here!" he said to the dragon. Instead it cowered at the back of the cage, fearful of all humans.

"Go!" Hiccup repeated. Even Toothless roared at the dragon to go, but still the Hypintyre stayed where it was. "Ok Toothless, looks like we'll have to get him out another way." Hiccup closed the door of the cage and ran over to Toothless, mounting him and hovering above the dragon's prison. Toothless gently picked up the cage in his claws, struggling to lift it.

"Come on bud. You can do it!"

Toothless beat his wings faster and harder, spurred on by his rider's encouragement. Slowly he managed to get it in the air, so he turned and started to lift it out of range of the Dragon Hunter's missiles. Suddenly Hiccup's cry interrupted his concentration.

"Toothless look out!!" A dragonroot arrow was speeding towards them, intent on taking them down. Alarmed, the Night Fury swerved hard, but it slightly grazed him on his foot. Growling in pain, Toothless shot into the sky. But then -

"No!" Hiccup yelled, watching as the cage with the Hypintyre in it tumbled towards the ocean. Hiccup launched himself out of Toothless' saddle without thinking, desperate to save the dragon, desperate to get it out of Krogan and Viggo's grasp. Toothless, slightly dizzy from the dragonroot arrow, wasn't ready for Hiccup's leap and was surprised to find himself falling too, his prosthetic tail fin fluttering uselessly.

Hiccup had reached the cage by now, using his flight suit to go faster, but he realised he hadn't planned this far. He was trying to get the door open when the Hypintyre attacked.

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