Chapter 2 : Wound

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Chapter 2 : Wound

The Hypintyre attacked through the bars of the cage, thinking Hiccup was going to hurt it. It jabbed it's poisonous spikes forward in an attacking position, cutting Hiccup's right forearm from wrist to elbow, slicing through the leather binders. Ignoring it for now, although grimacing in pain, Hiccup continued to try get the Hypintyre out.

Too late.

The cage, Hiccup and Toothless plunged into the water. The Hypintyre panicked, thrashing about in it's cage, while a slightly groggy Toothless rescued a drenched Hiccup. Strangely, it was the Dragon Hunters that rescued the Hypintyre from drowning, using a net-catapult to grab the cage and lift it onto the boat.

Hiccup and Toothless burst out of the water, disappointment and worry for his dragon written all over Hiccup's face. He patted Toothless.

"Come on bud. We need to get you home," he said. "Dragon Riders! Come on! We'll try again tomorrow."

All the Dragon Riders peeled away from the boats they were attacking, joining Hiccup in the flight back to the Edge. Toothless was starting to wobble in air, having trouble flying because of the dragonroot. The gang had noticed, so they didn't question Hiccup's decision.

"Hey Hiccup!" Astrid called. "Is Toothless ok?"

Toothless warbled at Astrid as if to say Yeah of course I'm ok, just feeling a little weird. I can make it back to Dragon's Edge though!

Hiccup grinned and patted Toothless, noticing the Night Fury's answer and guessing the meaning behind it. "Yeah, he's fine. The dragonroot arrow just grazed his foot. He'll be perfectly fine once I give him the antidote."

"I can do that Hiccup." Fishlegs said. "I want to check our supply anyway."

"Thanks Fishlegs. I gotta fix something in my armour." Hiccup said, shielding his wounded arm from prying eyes. Astrid frowned, the action going unnoticed.

Back at the Edge, Toothless nearly crash-landed, exhausted with the effort of trying to fly. Hiccup climbed off him and ran around to his head.

"Toothless, it's ok, it's ok, you're gonna be fine." All Toothless could do was let his head loll in Hiccup's arms. "Fishlegs! How is that antidote coming along?!"

"Right here Hiccup!" cried Fishlegs, handing Hiccup a bowl of purple liquid. Hiccup thrust it under Toothless' mouth and Toothless started to lap it up, feeling better every second. Hiccup sighed with relief. His dragon was going to be fine.


The Riders were having dinner in the clubhouse while the dragons were feeding on fish in the stable. Tuffnut was up to his usual business - telling jokes, mucking about, generally making the others laugh.

Except Hiccup.

The leader of the Dragon Riders was staring into his cup, his food untouched, not taking any notice of the good mood. He had applied a new leather binder to his arm after checking his scratch - the old one was sliced through and useless. He would use the scraps for a new invention, or burn them.

Hiccup was still disappointed that he wasn't able to save the Hypintyre dragon, and his scratch was bothering him. He had promised himself that he would go see Gothi in the morning, but right now he was tired, and not very hungry.

Astrid noticed her boyfriend's silence, and leaned over to pat his arm. Unconsciously Hiccup flinched - she had touched his scratch.

"You ok Hiccup?" she asked, Hiccup only just able to hear her over the loud laughter of the other Riders.

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