Chapter 3 : Pain

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Chapter 3 : Pain

"HICCUP!!" Astrid yelled, before pointing Stormfly down to catch him before he hit the ground. Toothless got there first, wrapping Hiccup in his wings before they crashed to the ground, skidding and sliding on the sand.

Astrid landed Stormfly next to the black heap, jumping down and kneeling next to it. As she touched Toothless' head to tell him that she was here to help, she suddenly had a painful memory...

...of a massive explosion on the beach of rocks...

...of a frightened cry of "No!" before a massive tail knocked them out of the sky...

...of watching black wings beating desperately to save a smaller limp figure, falling towards billowing fire...

...of watching her friend plummet to his death...

...of ash and soot and the smell of burnt dragon flesh...

...of a black heap with a burnt-out fake tail fin...

...of feeling helpless...

Astrid blinked. She couldn't let memories get a hold of her. He was with her right now, in the present, although what was wrong with him she didn't know.

Toothless opened up his wings, revealing a pale, ashen-faced Hiccup.

"Hiccup! Oh gods. How did this happen?" Taking him from Toothless' paws, Astrid laid him on his back in the soft sand. Toothless crooned and got up, nudging his rider, obviously trying to tell him to wake up.

"Toothless, we have to get him back to the Edge. Stormfly, I know you're really fast, but Toothless is a little bit faster." Stormfly squawked in agreement. On another day she would never admit it, but Toothless was the faster dragon. "I'll ride Toothless and take Hiccup to the Edge - it's closer then Berk. Stormfly, follow us back there as fast as you can."

Astrid climbed onto a worried Toothless and Stormfly gently nudged Hiccup into Astrid's arms. He still hadn't shown any signs of waking up.

"Come on Toothless. Let's get him to the Edge."


The flight to the Dragon Rider's base was uneventful but quick, Toothless flying as fast and as smooth as he could for his unconscious rider.

With a roar, he swooped into the clubhouse where Fishlegs and Snotlout were. Immediately their attention switched to them.

"Toothless? And - Astrid?! Why are you riding Toothless? Where's Hiccup? Where's Stormfly?" cried Fishlegs.

Astrid slid off Toothless, struggling with Hiccup's limp form.

"Oh no." whispered Snotlout. Fishlegs gasped. They both rushed forward, Fishlegs taking Hiccup from Astrid and lying him down on the floor.

"Astrid, what happened to him?" Snotlout asked. Astrid was surprised. She thought he hardly cared about Hiccup.

"We-were-flying-to-Berk-because-Hiccup's-arm-was-a-bit-sore-and-he-wanted-to-see-Gothi-and-we-were-racing-but-then-he-fell-off-Toothless-and -"

"Woah woah woah." Snotlout's hands flew up to try stop the flow of words. "Astrid calm down. I haven't seen you this stressed since, well, the Red Death."

Astrid blinked. She was trying not to think about that since she had that flashback. Snotlout could see that she was kinda in shock so he led her over to a seat, sat her down and gave her a cup of water.

Just then the twins walked in, chatting about Boar Latin again. Immediately they stopped when they saw Fishlegs busily tending Hiccup with Toothless jumping around trying to help his rider, but managing nothing. They looked over to Snotlout, wanting an answer for what was happening.

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