Chapter 30: The Talk

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Phi flew towards Rolance, panting heavily. When Pendrago started coming into view, the rain started pelting his glowing ball of light. He landed in Pendrago, in front of the Shrinechurch. He quickly entered and ran to the Monolith in the back room. He took out a book from under his robes and began quickly writing the words on the blank pages. As he was writing, he felt a prescience approaching him from the far back of the Church. He gulped and finished up, putting the book back under his robes. He turned to run, but a large quantity of Malevolence formed around him. Any humans caught in the release instantly turned to stone. The earth's shaking was beginning to slow down. "What have we here? A little Seraph has appeared in my den." Said a smooth, calm yet serious voice. He turned back around, only to come face to face with a cardinal of the Church. She was a beautiful woman with luscious black hair and emerald green eyes. She had on a white dress with that held gold and brown seams. On her head was a hat with a brown cross on it.

"Y-You must be Cardinal Forton..." Phi stated, taking a couple steps back. "Why yes... I am." Forton confirmed. "Why are you doing this? What has caused you to fall so deep into despair?" Phi questioned. "Despair? What on Earth are you talking about? I am as happy as can be! I now run the Shrinechurch since Masedra fled Pendrago. And once that Shepherd arrives, I shall defeat him in honor of Heldalf." Forton said, approaching the Empyrean. Phi took steps back to create distance between him and the Cardinal. "But first. You will need to be captured before you do anything rash." She said, lunging at Phi. As she lunged, her body glowed purple, turning into a woman with a snake tail. Her body became green and scaly, her nails elongating and becoming sharp and deadly. Her hair had various pythons sticking out from it. Phi immediately dodged and was about to fire a fire bomb at her, but froze up, thinking Forton as Medissa. He mentally scolded himself for hesitating. Forton hissed and her eyes began to glow. Phi quickly turned away and ran out the room. Forton yelled in anger. Her scream echoing through the church.

Phi exited the Medusa's den and turned into a ball of light. He flew off, the rain falling harder. He made his way to Lastonbell. The earthquake halting.


Alisha and Sergei ran into the Shrine, the latter caring an unconscious Sorey. "Help! Sorey fainted!" Alisha called out. Everyone looked up from the unconscious Velvet. "What happened?" Lailah asked, getting up with Mikleo and rushing over to Alisha. Alisha motioned Sergei to put Sorey on one of the benches. "When the earthquake happened, Sorey just stood still. He didn't try to stop himself from stumbling because he wasn't stumbling!" Alisha said, rushing over to Velvet. "Velvet! Come on! Wake up!" cried a hysteric Laphicet. Magilou and Eleanor were doing their best to heal their friend. "What was that about anyways?" Eizen asked. "Miss. Alisha. Who is it you all are talking to?" Sergei asked. "The Seraphs in this room. Sorey is The Shepherd." She informed the Knight. Sergei's eyes widened as he saw a blue glow form around Sorey. Lailah and Mikleo were doing their best to heal the boy. "As far as we know, that wasn't a natural Earthquake if it knocked out the past Lord of Calamity and this generations Shepherd." Magilou commented with a serious look. "You don't think something happened to Maotelus, do you?" Edna asked.

"That is the only possibility. Only he would be powerful enough to knock out both Velvet and Sorey." Rokurou informed. That's when a ball of light flew into the room and straight into Eleanor's chest, knocking her backwards. She gasped, same as Grimoirh and Eizen. "Lady Eleanor?" Sergei asked worriedly. "Sergei. I think you should go. We'll meet you in Pendrago." Rose said, pushing the Knight out of the Shrine and slamming the door in his face. "Eleanor? What was that?" Laphicet asked? "Me." Said a child's voice as Phi formed from Eleanor. "Laphicet!" Magilou, Eizen, Eleanor and Rokurou called. The Empyrean knelt in front of Velvet and took her daemon hand. A silver glow appeared around Velvet and Phi mumbled a spell.

Lady Calamity and the Shepherd (Tales of Berseria × Tales of Zestiria Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now