Chapter 5: A Best Friend.

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Josh and Scarlet were still sitting on the wooden ground, leaning on the wall. Josh had moved a bit in his sleep and had wrapped his arms around her chest and his head laid on her chest. Scarlet didn't mind, in fact she actually found it really sweet, even if he was resting on her chest. She had been stroking his hair for a while now, since he had fallen asleep a few hours ago. Scarlet was smiling as she was watching him sleep, she noticed that he was also smiling, and he seemed as if he was having a wonderful dream. Scarlet wanted to see what he was dreaming about, but she also didn't want to leave this cuddle. She had to admit, she loved cuddling with Josh, and she loved their hugs. She knew why she did too, because it was like she thought a few hours ago. She is in love with Josh, and she knows it, and she knows Josh is in love with her. But she knows he is too young to understand what love is, so of course he doesn't know that he loves her. Scarlet sighed, absolutely loving Josh cuddling with her, she never wanted to let go of him. But sadly she had to when she heard a knock at the door, and within a blink of an eye, she turned into a small red smoke cloud and went inside of Josh's right hand. Then the knock at the door got louder, which woke Josh up. He stretched and yawned, then he noticed that Scarlet wasn't with him. He wasn't upset, in fact he even smiled, he was happy because he got a hug from her and found out that she didn't abandon him. Josh knew Scarlet was inside of him now, which made him even happier because he knew that she would always be with him. So with a smile, he got up, put his shirt and gloves on, and went to the door. When he opened the door, he saw a familiar dark blue haired girl that was standing there with a smile on her face. The dark blue haired girl said, "Hey Josh, I wanted to check up on you. So, are you alright?", and Josh said, "I'm fine, thank you.". She looked a little surprised, considering Josh hadn't said anything since the fight between him and Richard, Zach, and Ryder. Then she said, "Okay, well that's good. My name is Violet Leto, I didn't get the chance to tell you before.". Josh said, "It's nice to meet you Violet, and I'm sorry I didn't properly thank you for getting Ms. Jerel.". Violet nodded her head, then said, "It's okay, those bullies deserved the beating you gave them anyway. I'm just glad you're alright.". What she did really surprised Josh, she had pulled him into a hug, which he hesitantly accepted. He didn't really trust other people, but he knew that was no excuse to be mean and rude to other people. After they pulled from the hug, he noticed that she was blushing slightly, so he said, "Hey Violet, are you okay? Your face is red. Are you getting sick?". She just blushed even more and said, "N-no I-I'm fine t-thank you. S-so uh, would you like to h-hang out with me? And c-can I s-sit with you during dinner, p-please?". Josh smiled even more and said, "Of course you can, and yes I would like to play with you.", which made her smile brightly. Then Violet said, "Oh and if we run into trouble with Richard and his friends, then don't worry, I'll protect you", which completely shocked Josh. Nobody but Scarlet has said that they were going to protect him. Violet, seeing just how shocked he looked, blushed even more and said while avoiding eye contact with him, "We all heard your past, and when everybody heard about what Richard and his friends did to you. We were all worried, but that worry turned into fear when everybody saw what you had done to them. I wasn't afraid though, because they deserved it and you were only defending yourself. I am worried about you Josh, because of everything you've gone through already. I know you don't trust anybody, because really how could you trust anybody after the stuff you've been through? So I won't push you into anything, but I want to be your friend, because I think that's exactly what you need. I think you need a friend to help you get through everything, so I want to be that friend.". Needless to say Josh was both shocked and surprised by this, because he could tell she was being honest. Even if he couldn't tell that well if somebody was lying or not, it was obvious to tell that she was telling the truth. Before he could say anything, she continued, "I know you don't trust me, but that doesn't mean I can't be your friend.", then she mumbled something, "And, hopefully more than that.". Josh said, "What was that last part? I'm sorry, I didn't hear it.", and Violet quickly said, "Oh it's nothing, but come on! Let's have some fun!". Josh nodded and he left his room while closing the door behind him, but before he closed it he looked at the spot on the wall that he and Scarlet cuddled. He smiled brightly and thought to himself, "I can't wait to see her again.".

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