RWBY Blake x Male Reader Volume 1: Chapter 2

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As the ship landed, you and your sister walked toward the school. You both stopped and stared in amazement at the beautiful sight ahead of you.

You: It's so...amazing!

Bella: Don't mean to ruin the moment but we better be getting a tour. There is no way I am going to remember where everything is.

You gave a slight chuckle in response.

You: You'll be fine. Anyway we should look around for a little bit. I heard that we all have to meet up in the auditorium in a couple of minutes.

Just then you heard an explosion behind you. You and Bella looked towards the explosion and saw a red haired girl being yelled at by a tall white haired girl.

You: (in head) That red haired girl looks a little too young to be attending Beacon. But I should probably go help her.

You: I'm gonna go check that out. You wanna come?

Bella: Nah. I'm gonna look around, but I'll meet you in the auditorium.

You nodded then walked towards the 2 girls. Just as you were you saw a black haired girl walk towards them as while carrying a bottle of red dust.

White haired girl: where you're going!

Red haired girl: Hey I said I was sorry princess!

You: Woah now!

The 2 girls looked in your direction, the white haired girl giving you an annoyed look.

You: Wait a minute, you're Weiss Schnee, the uh...

Black haired girl: Heiress.

All 3 of you looked in this strange girls direction.

Weiss: Finally, some recognition!

You: Anyway you shouldn't be picking on someone who just accidentally bumped into you. Especially on the first day of school. Take your dust and please go somewhere else.

Weiss gasped and gave you a shocked look that quickly turned into an angered one.

Weiss: How dare- the nerve of- ugh!

She quickly grabbed the dust bottle out of the black haired girls hand and stormed off. The black haired girl walked off before anybody else spoke.

Red haired girl: (sigh) Welcome to Beacon.

You: I believe you owe me an apology for saving you.

The red haired girl looked at you with a confused look. You extended your hand and quickly replied.

You: I'm just kidding. My name is f/n l/n. Nice to meet you.

The red haired girl smiled and shook your hand.

Ruby: Ruby Rose.

You: Ruby. That's a nice name.

Ruby turned away in embarrassment, causing you to chuckle a little bit.

You: Well Ruby, I'm gonna have a tough time figuring this place out all by myself. Wanna walk with me?

Ruby nodded and you 2 started chatting and walking around the school.

Ruby: So, I have this thing.

She pulled out a huge red scythe. You flinched a bit at the size of it, but other than that you found it to be pretty amazing.

You: That's a pretty big scythe! 

Ruby: It's also a customizable high-impact sniper rifle.

Your jaw dropped at the fact of that huge scythe turning into a sniper rifle.

Ruby: So what do you got.

You: I got this hover board.

You pulled out the hover board that was attached to your back.

Ruby: Not to be rude, but that doesn't really classify as a weapon.

You smiled and pressed a button with your heel and the hover board changes into a of green great sword.

Ruby: Woooooah!

You: That's not all.

You took out a black dust crystal and inserted it in the port on the bottom of the handle. Your sword turned a dark color. Then you ejected the crystal out of the sword and put it back in one of your pockets, then you changed it back to the hover board and hopped on.

Ruby: Oh my god! That is so cool!

You scratched the back of your head and giggled.

You: Yeah. It's useful if I don't feel like walking.

You looked around and saw that you and Ruby were the only people around. You then realized you were probably gonna be late to the meeting in the auditorium.

You: Ruby get on the hover board now!

Without second thought you grabbed Ruby's arm and pulled her on to the hover board.

You: Hold on!

You set the hover board to maximum speed and rushed towards the auditorium.

You: (in head) Please make it in time!

And that's chapter 2! I'm sorry if it was a little basic. And I am gonna leave it up to you guys to determine the semblance. I will probably reveal their semblance soon. So do you want their semblance to be telekinesis, strength boost, or time manipulation? Let me know in the comments and whatever gets the most votes will be his semblance. Bye!

RWBY Blake x Male Reader Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now