RWBY Blake x Male Reader Volume 1: Chapter 9

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I am so sorry for the big wait on this chapter! My friends were spending the weekend with me and we kinda stayed up all night playing Skyrim. But I had time to write this chapter so..........yay!

You open your eyes and saw that you were in a dark space with nothing in sight. You heard someone step behind you. You turn around and see your Mom walking towards you with a smile on her face.

You: Mom!

You run into her arms and you hug her tightly. She hugs back.

Mom: Hey f/n! How is your time at Beacon so far?

You: Well we haven't officially started school yet. We just now formed teams, and once we wake up we start classes. But Bella is on my team!

Mom: Well that's good! I hope you two have a great time at Beacon! But I have to go.

You: Aww! Why do you have to leave now?!

Mom: My aura is almost completely drained. But I will visit you and Bella every now and then.

You: I love you mom!

Mom: I love you too son!

You both hugged each other tightly, then your mom faded away. You woke up with a big smile on your face. You and Bella were the only ones that were awake. Bella saw you smiling and gave you a confused look.

Bella: Why are you so happy?

You: Mom visited me.

Bella: She visited me too. What did she say to you?

You: She just asked how my time at Beacon was.

Bella: She asked me that too.

You both heard Emily yawn. She sat up and stretched.

Emily: What time is it?

You checked your scroll.

You: 7:00.

Emily: Well I'm gonna go take a shower.

Emily grabbed her school outfit and walked into the bathroom and locked it. You went to Lace and woke her up.

You: Come on Lace. You gotta wake up.

Lace looked at you, then the alarm clock.

Lace: Just... 30 more minutes.

You rolled your eyes and chuckled.

You: Fine.

Bella: So what are we gonna do now?

You: I don't know. I guess we should unpack.

You opened your suitcase and took a picture out of you, Bella and your Mom. You sat down on your bed and looked at the empty space on the picture where your dad should have been. Your dad was a member of the Vale Police Department. But he was killed when he was sent to investigate a crime scene at a local market. You felt a tear fall down your cheek and watched it fall on the picture. You felt a hand being placed on your shoulder. You looked behind you and saw Bella crying with you.

Bella: He's gone f/n. Best to move on instead of mourning over him.

You: I-I don't want to move on! I want him back!

Bella kneeled down beside you and let you cry into her shoulder.

Bella: If he was still here, he would want us to move forward. Not to stand still. He's still with us both, not in person but in spirit. If we keep mourning we aren't gonna be able to keep going. Please f/n, let it go.

You eventually stopped crying and sat up. You wiped your eyes and stood up.

You: Okay. If that's what's best.

Bella smiled and wiped her eyes. Then Emily walked out of the bathroom with her uniform on. She saw you and Bella.

Emily: Is everything okay?

You: Yeah. Everything's fine!


You and your team were all in Professor Poet's class listening to his history lesson on Grimm. You had noticed that ever since Blake found out you liked her, she's been keeping her eye on you from time to time. You were sitting right behind her. You saw her sneak a few glances at you. But you were more focused on the lesson.

Port: So, who among you believes themselves to be the embodiment of these traits?

Weiss's hand shot straight up.

Weiss: I do sir!

Port: Well then, let's find out! Step forward, and face your opponent!

Port pointed towards the cage, where you saw two red eyes that were glowing.

You: This should be interesting.

And there's chapter 9! Again I am so sorry for the wait on this one. And for those of you didn't understand, your characters Mom's semblance allows her to enter people's dreams. But yeah, hope you enjoyed!

RWBY Blake x Male Reader Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now