RWBY Blake x Male Reader Volume 1: Chapter 4

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Real quick before I continue the story, I didn't really think about teams until now so I will be using an old OC team that I had called team GLBE. Sorry for the inconvenience. Anyways, back to the story!

You woke up and saw almost no one in the ballroom with you. You grunted in annoyance. You had overslept. You quickly got up and stretched, then you went to the cafeteria for breakfast. You saw your sister and sat down beside her.

Bella: Let me guess, you overslept. Again.

You: How could you tell?

You realized you forgot to get a cup of coffee, so you went to where the drinks were being served and got one. You were walking pack when all of a sudden you started to get a headache.

You: (in head) Why now?!

You finished breakfast, then everyone went to the locker room to get their gear and weapons. You opened your locker and put your gear on, which was just a white shirt, a black trench coat, black pants, and 2 arm guards for protection.

Bella: Have you figured out how the teams are gonna be formed this year?

You: All I know is you have to get a partner, then you have to choose a relic or something, and whatever pair has the same piece as you is on your team. That's all I've heard so far.

Bella: Ugh! Why can't we just choose our own partners?

You: You never know, you could be on a team with your friends.

Bella: I think you're forgetting the fact that you are the only person I actually know in this school.

You: I bet I can fix that.

You looked around until you saw Ruby and a blonde girl. You grabbed Bella's hand and dragged her towards them.

Bella: F/n where are we going?!

She tried to escape, but you had an iron grip, and she soon realized this. You called out to Ruby to get her attention.

You: Ruby!

Both Ruby and the blonde girl looked towards you. You shoved Bella in front of you. She gave you a death stare then turned to face Ruby.

You: I don't believe I've introduced you to my sister, Bella. Bella this is Ruby.

Bella greeted her nervously, then Ruby looked towards you.

Ruby: I haven't introduced you two to my sister either.

She pointed towards the blonde.

Ruby: This is my older sister, Yang!

Before you could greet each other, an announcement echoed across the room.

Glynda: Would all first-year students please report to Beacon Cliff for initiation. Again all first-year students report to Beacon Cliff immediately.

You: No going back. Hopefully we could get to know each other more. Bye!

You waved goodbye, then hopped on your hover board and went to Beacon Cliff, where you saw multiple platforms that people were standing on. You stood on the one at the very end on the right. Your sister stood on the one next to you.

You zoned out during Ozpin's speech until your sister punched your arm, causing you to regain your focus.

Ozpin: Are there any questions?

You raised your hand. But Ozpin ignored you.

You: Well alright then.

Suddenly you got launched into the air. You quickly turned your hover board into a sword and used it and the momentum you gained to swing off a branch and land on it. Once you got to the ground, you inserted a yellow dust crystal into the port and took off looking for someone to partner up with.

And that's chapter 4! So like I said before the story, your character is gonna have his own team named team GLBE. Again I didn't really think about what to do for teams until now. Again this is my first story so, yeah. Anyway hope you enjoyed chapter 4! Bye!

RWBY Blake x Male Reader Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now