RWBY Blake x Male Reader Volume 1: Chapter 5

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Sorry for the long wait on this chapter. There's been quite a lot going on in the family. But luckily I had enough time to write this chapter. But anyway, here's chapter 5.

You started to explore the forest, hearing the occasional gunfire and Grimm roars here and there. You were walking when you heard someone near you panting. You turned around and someone slammed right into you, causing you both to fall down.

???: Oh my god, I'm so sorry! I wasn't paying attention!

You looked towards this person and saw a girl with blonde hair extending her arm to help you up. You took her hand and stood up, wiping the dust from your clothes.

???: Are you okay?! I was just trying to find my way around!

You: Yeah, I'm fine. I guess this means we're partners now. I'm

You gestured to shake her hand, and she hesitantly shook it.

Lace: I'm Lace.

You both started walking together until you walked into a pack of Ursa. You turned your hover board into a great sword and inserted a red crystal in the handle. Lace pulled 2 giant swords out. You both rushed towards the grimm, striking one of them in the chest. The Ursa tried to slash you a couple times, but were easily dodged as you jumped into a tree. Then you hopped down and slashed the grimm right across the neck, decapitating it. Your victory was short lived however, as you saw Lace being overwhelmed by 2 Ursa. You rushed over to her and shoved the grimm back.

You: You okay?

Lace nodded in reply.

You: You stay back.

A huge grin spread across your face.

You: I got this.

The 2 grimm rushed towards you, both trying to slash you. You parried them both and sent a flurry of attacks towards them. Strike by strike you hit them both until one of them hit you in the chest, causing you to fly back a little. Lace stared in amazement at your skill. You regained your balance, and stood in a fighting stance, staring at the 2 grimm smiling, almost as if you were beckoning them.

Lace: Why are standing around?! Go finish them off!

You ignored Lace and continued to stare at the grimm. They both ran towards you and once they got within range, you pulled your sword back and swung it with all your might, sending a shockwave of red energy, cutting the 2 grimm in half. You stood victorious over the dead Grimm. Then your sword faded to its original color. You took the dust crystal out that was now just the slightest color of red, and threw it on the ground.

Lace: F/n, that was amazing! Where did you learn to fight like that?!

You: Ever since my mom found out I was going to Beacon, she was practically hell-bent on getting me in shape. She would train me almost non-stop. I thought she was just being dramatic, but I guess it really paid off.

You changed your sword back to a hover board, and hopped on. You both started heading in a random direction. You suddenly remembered something.

You: Hey Lace?

Lace: Yes?

You: What exactly are we supposed to be looking for?

You have an awkward chuckle, in which Lace heard and looked surprised at you.

Lace: Didn't you listen to Professor Ozpin? He explained everything!

You: I may have zoned out during that part.

Lace scoffed at you and started to explain.

Lace: Well we are already partners, so our next mission is to find some "relic", then bring it back to the cliff. Unfortunately, I have know idea what or where these relics are.

You: Well we better start looking. I don't feel like running into anymore grimm.

Lace nodded, and you both continued walking. What seemed like hours of searching lead to you both confused and frustrated.

You: I don't understand! Where the hell do we go?!

Just then, Lace spotted a nearby ruin.

Lace: Maybe it's that way. It's our only option left.

You both sprinted towards the ruin. Once you got there you saw your sister and another girl debating over something.

You: Bella!

Bella and the other girl both looked towards you. You rushed towards Bella and pulled her into a hug. Lace caught up to you and tried to catch her breath.

Bella: You can let go now f/n.

You quickly let go and took a step back.

You: Sorry! I just thought I wouldn't be able to find you. By the way this is Lace.

You pointed towards Lace and she put on an awkward smile and waved.

Bella pointed towards the girl that she was with.

Bella: This is Emily.

You all greeted each other, then you started to look around. You saw little chess pieces on there own pedestal.

Lace: Chess pieces?

You: Kinda makes since, especially for how cryptic Professor Ozpin is. I guess we just pick which ever one.

Lace walked over to the black queen piece and picked it up. Bella picked the other black queen piece. You smiled a little bit.

You: Guess this means we're officially a team now. Well not officially, yet. Because we still-

Lace and Emily stared at you in confusion, while Bella was shaking her head.

You: Never mind.

Chapter 5 is done! And since no one has really voted on the semblance, I might consider deciding that myself. But anyway hope you enjoyed chapter 5!

RWBY Blake x Male Reader Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now