RWBY Blake x Male Reader Volume 1: Chapter 6

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Hey guys, here's chapter 6. So I have made a decision on the semblance: Dust Absorption. Basically he can inject dust into his body, and he has the power to control that element till it wears off. For example if he injects fire dust inside of him, he will now be able to control fire for a short period of time. It took me a while to come up with his semblance. I didn't want to use something basic like speed or invisibility or something. But anyways, back to the story.

You: We should head back. Not much to do unless you wanna fight some more grimm.

Everyone agrees and you set off to find out how to get out of the forest, but to no avail. No matter how much you looked, you couldn't find the way back.

Bella: Does anyone actually know where we're going?!

You all shook your heads and sit down to rest. You tried to map the forest in your head. But you hadn't really studied the forest. You tried to think of some way to get back. Suddenly, Lace stood up.

Lace: I'm gonna go look around a little bit more. I'll be back soon.

She walked off, but you saw her hide behind a tree far away from where everyone else was. You knew she was hiding something, so you snuck over there to see what it was. And that's when you saw the short, fluffy fox tail. Lace gasped, realizing her secret of being a faunus has been revealed.

You: You're...a faunus?

Lace looked at you with a horrified expression on her face.

Lace: Please don't hate me!

You: No! I'm not judging you. It's just...why didn't you tell me earlier?

Lace: Because faunus are treated poorly, and I just wanted to fit in.

You looked at her, feeling bad for how scared she was. You put your hand on her shoulder, in an attempt to comfort her.

You: It's okay. I don't hate you. But...

You gave her a serious look.

You: Do not let Bella know that you are a faunus.

Lace looked at you confused.

Lace: Why not?

You sighed.

You: She hates the faunus. She wants nothing to do with them. If she finds out, she may never talk to you or even be around you.

Lace expression turned into a sad one, then went to an angry one, then back to sad. After all this she simply nodded.

You: We should head back but first, I gotta know how you were able to hide that tail so well.

Lace gave you an annoyed look.

Lace: It's a secret. One that I don't intend on telling anyone.

You nodded and you both walked back. Once you got their, Emily and Bella walked up to you.

Bella: Tell me what happened. You just followed Lace without saying a word.

You were a little shocked at her sudden outburst, but you quickly answered her question.

You: I was just following her in case she ran into a pack of grimm.

Bella looked over at Lace, looking for approval. Lace nodded.

Bella: Well next time tell me where you're going. You worried me.

You gave a slight chuckle to tease her, but she didn't notice. Then Emily started speaking.

Emily: Well while you guys were gone, me and Bella saw a giant stone ruin. It might be the way out, but it's miles away.

You grunted a little in annoyance. Then you put an evil smile on your face, which everyone noticed.

Lace: Why are you smiling?

You: You guys are gonna have to walk all that way. Me on the other hand...

You took the hover board from your back and hopped on it.

You: I get to hover!

Everyone looked at you in annoyance, but you didn't care. You chuckled a little.

You: Seriously though, we should get going. It's a pretty long ways to go.

You all set out on your journey to hopefully find your way.

And that's chapter 6! I really enjoy making this story and I plan on writing this story all the way to Volume 5 and the other volume(s) that will be coming out. But anyways thanks for reading chapter 6!

RWBY Blake x Male Reader Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now