RWBY Blake x Male Reader Volume 1: Chapter 7

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And here is chapter 7. It took me a while to figure out how this chapter was gonna go, since I watch an episode before I start writing. But anyways hope you enjoy.

After what seemed like hours of walking, you finally arrived to the ruin. But you grunted in annoyance as you realized you had walked all the way back to the relics. You facepalmed and sighed.

You: Bella, Emily, is this a joke?

Emily: (under breath) I knew it looked familiar.

You: What?

Emily: Nothing! Sorry, it looked different from far away.

You were about to walk away, but then you saw Blake and Yang choosing a relic. Your heart warmed a bit when you saw Blake.

You: Blake, Yang!

They both looked towards your direction, and you ran towards them. Your team looked at you confused, but followed you anyway.

Yang: What's up, uh, I forgot your name.

She gave an awkward smile. You smiled back and rolled your eyes.

You: It's f/n.

Yang: Well then, good to see you again f/n!

You turned your attention to Blake. She smiled at you, and you smiled back.

You: Hi, Blake.

Blake: Hey.

As your team caught up to you, they all stood behind you.

You: Oh by the way this is Bella, Lace, Emily.

They all greeted each other then you looked at Blake.

You: Do you guys know the way back? Please tell me you do!

Blake: No we don't.

You: Godammit!

You were trying to think of a way out when suddenly, Bella grabbed your arm and started pushing you towards a tree.

Bella: We'll be back in a minute. We just need to have a little family chat.

She smiled, but once you were both out of sight, she have you an evil smile.

Bella: I know your secret!

You: What are you talking about?

Bella: You have a major crush on Blake, don't you?

You: What?! No! What makes you think that?!

Bella: Don't play that bullshit with me! I've seen the way you stare at her. And when I said her name, you started blushing!

You didn't notice you were blushing until she said it. You gave her an angered look.

You: Fine! So what if I do!

Bella fell on the ground laughing. You kicked her in the arm to show your annoyance. But she was too busy laughing to notice. Bella stood up, still giggling.

Bella: I'm so gonna tell her!

You: You better no-

You all suddenly heard the scream of a little girl. You pondered a bit at who it could be, but you regained your focus to your sister.

You: If you tell her, I will hurt you!

Bella saw how serious you was and quickly stopped laughing.

Bella: Ok, fine! No need to get so worked up!

You walked back and saw everyone with their jaws on the floor, and Blake blushing. Bella realized what happened and fell on the ground laughing hysterically. You whimpered a little and blushed deeply.

Blake: F/n?

You hesitantly walked up to her.

Blake: You-like me?

You: Y-yeah.

???: Heads up!!

You looked up and the last thing you saw was Ruby falling from the sky before she crashed right on to you, causing you to fall to the ground.

And that's chapter 7. Hope you enjoy!

RWBY Blake x Male Reader Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now