RWBY Blake x Male Reader Volume 1: Chapter 10

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Yang: Go Weiss!

Blake: Fight well!

Ruby: Yeah represent team RWBY!

Weiss: Ruby I'm trying to focus!

Ruby: Oh uh, sorry.

You: (in head) Why is she only yelling at Ruby?

Port: Alright! Let the match, begin!

Port sliced the lock off the cage and the door fell and a boarbatusk charged at Weiss. She jumped out of the way and slashed at the grimm, but it had no effect. The grimm turned around and faced Weiss.

Port: Aha! Wasn't expecting that were you!

Ruby: Hang in there Weiss!

Weiss charged at the boarbatusk, but ended up getting her weapon caught in between its tusks. She tried to struggle free, but to no avail.

Ruby: Come one Weiss show it whose boss!

You grabbed Ruby's shoulder and she turned to look at you.

You: Try keeping it down a little bit. She seems a little distracted.

Ruby hesitantly nodded her head and turned to watch the fight. Weiss's sword was thrown behind them, and the grimm knocked Weiss back.

Port: Now what will you do without your weapon?

The boarbatusk charged at Weiss, but she jumped to the side and barely dodged the grimm, causing it to run into the wall. She ran for her weapon and picked it up.

Ruby: Weiss, go for its belly! There's no armor underneath-

Weiss: Stop telling me what to do!

Ruby's expression turned into a sad one.

You: (in head) I knew this was gonna happen.

The grimm turned into a ball and charged at Weiss with almost lightning speed. Weiss used a glyph to stop the grimm in its tracks, then hopped onto a glyph behind her and stabbed the boarbatusk right in the stomach, obtaining victory.

Port: Bravo! Bravo! It appears we are indeed in the presence of a true Huntress in training! I'm afraid that's all the time we have for today. Be sure to cover the assigned readings and, stay vigilant! Class dismissed!

Lace: Finally class is over! I was about to just take a nap.

Your team was walking out of the class, but you were focused on Ruby. You knew she was heartbroken.

Bella: F/n, he said class dismissed. That means we can go.

You: You guys go ahead. I'll catch up.

They walked out of the classroom. Ruby followed Weiss into the hallway. You followed them to make sure nothing bad happened. While you were walking you saw Blake staring at you. You waved it off and continued to follow Ruby. You got behind a corner to hear what they were saying.

Ruby: Weiss!

Weiss: What?!

Ruby: What's wrong with you?! Why are you being-

Weiss: What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you?! You're supposed to be a leader, but all you've been so far is a nuisance!

Ruby: Ugh, what did I do?

Weiss: That's just it! You've done nothing to earn your position! Back in the forest you acted like a child and you've only continued to do so!

Ruby: Weiss, where is this coming from? What happened to all the talk about working together, I thought you believed in acting like a team.

Weiss: Not a team led by you. I've studied, and trained. And quite frankly, I deserve better! Ozpin made a mistake.

Weiss turned around and walked off, leaving Ruby filled with sorrow. Hearing this conversation only made you hate Weiss even more. You decided to step in.

You: You doing okay Ruby?

You stepped out from behind the corner and Ruby turned to face you.

Ruby: No. I don't understand why she's so angry with me. I was just trying to help her.

Ruby put her head down. You sighed and responded.

You: I don't know why she's mad either. But you have to have faith that whatever it is, she will get over it. Even if Ozpin did make a mistake, there is no changing it.

Ruby slowly lifted her head up and smiled a little. Seeing this made you smile with her.

You: Ruby, you're a great leader. And I believe that you are gonna bring your team to the top. But not everything is gonna go your way. That's where you come in. As a leader it's your job to guide your teammates through tough times. You cry with them, you laugh with them, you celebrate with them, you mourn with them, and you make them feel like they're the best that they can be. That's what being a leader is all about.

Ruby put a big smile on her face and hugged you. You were a little shocked, but you hugged her back.

Ruby: Thank you, f/n!

You: I'm always happy to help a friend.

Ruby walked off, and you went in the opposite direction where you saw Professor Ozpin watching you.

You: Were you watching us?

Ozpin: Yes, and I am very proud of you.

You: It was nothing really. Just helping my friends in the best way that I can.

Ozpin smiled and took a sip of his coffee. You were expecting him to say something else, but he walked off.

You: Well alright then.

You walked back to your dorm. Once you got there you saw Lace sitting on her bed with a frightened look on her face, Emily doing her homework, and Bella sitting on the bed next to Lace. Bella got up and walked towards you and dragged you back into the hallway and shut the door.

You: Something wrong?

Bella: Damn right something's wrong!

You: Why are you so angry Bella?

What Bella said next made you flinch out of shock.

Bella: Why the hell didn't you tell me that Lace is a faunus?!

Yay! Chapter 10 is done! I decided to add a cliffhanger to add some tension to the story. Anyways I hope you enjoyed chapter 10!

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