RWBY Blake x Male Reader Volume 1: Chapter 13

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You, Lace and Emily all waited for Bella. 30 minutes went by and she hasn't shown up yet.

You: Where is she?

Emily: Who knows.

Lace was trembling in fear of what Bella was gonna do. You walked over to her.

You: Lace everything will be fine. I promise.

Lace: You don't know that.

You: I-

You all heard a knock on the door. You looked at Emily.

Emily: It's her.

You walked to the door and slowly opened it. Bella was on the other side crying. Once you fully opened the door she ran towards you and hugged you tightly.

Bella: I'm sorry!

You hugged her back to comfort her.

Bella: I'm so so sorry!

As tears dropped on the floor, she dug her face into your shoulder.

You: I'm glad you feel that way, but I'm not the one you should be apologizing to.

Lace stood up and Bella walked towards her.

Bella: Lace I...I am truly sorry! I didn't mean anything I said. Whenever I found out it reminded me of my dad's death and I-

Lace: I'm not like that. I'm a good person.

Bella: I know. Please forgive me!

Lace looked at Bella with a smile.

Lace: I forgive you.

Bella smiled and you hugged her from behind.

You: We all do!

Emily and Lace joined in and you all hugged Bella. Bella cried tears of joy and Lace started to cry with her. Lace then let her tail out and it started wagging.

Lace: Now I can stop hiding this from you guys! Which is good because it's really uncomfortable when I hide it.

You all laughed then Emily checked the time.

Emily: Hate to ruin the moment but we need to go to bed. We have a field trip tomorrow.

You: And why am I just learning about this now?

Bella: Because you don't pay attention.

You playfully pushed her then yawned.

You: Alright. Let's go to sleep.

You all went to sleep happy knowing that everything was okay.


Glynda: Yes students, the forest of forever fall is indeed beautiful. But we aren't her to sight-see. Professor Peach has asked all of you to collect samples from the trees deep inside this forest. And I'm here to make sure none of you for while doing so.

You and your team marvelled at the sight all around you.

Glynda: Each of you must gather one jars worth of sap. However, this forest is full of the creatures of grimm. So be sure to stick by your teammates. We will meet back here at 4:00. Have fun!

You hand everyone their jars.

You: Collect sap from trees while defending yourself from grimm. Piece of cake.

You all went to a spot and collected sap for each jar.

Emily: Okay. Now what?

You: We still have 2 hours. I don't know what we should do.

Lace: I'm just gonna sit down and rest.

You: Alright. We'll join you.

You all day down to rest, which eventually led to you going to sleep. Bella saw you and shook her head.

Bella: What am I gonna do with you?

And there's chapter 13! Okay quick heads up, I'm not gonna update this for a week starting Saturday. I'm going on vacation. But Saturday is 5 days away so I will try to update every day.

RWBY Blake x Male Reader Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now