Chapter 1

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With my earphones in, I made my way towards Home, leaving school behind for one day. My eyes wondered around, taking in the familiar surroundings I see everyday.

I continued until I felt a tap on my shoulder, making me jump on the spot. Turning with my hand across my chest in fright, I see my bestfriend Cassidy standing there with a welcoming smile on her face.

"There's a party on tonight and everyone's invited. You coming ?" She questioned, beginning to walk beside me.

"No, I need to study for my science exam on Monday," I replied.

Before she could protest, I continued.

"I'm on a 98 percent, you know more than anyone that I want that 100 !"

"Ari, it's a Friday night. I totally understand you need to study, but you need to live a little as well!" She complained.

"I will live! I'll have plenty of time for parties once I finish school. I promise I'll go to a party at some point with you, just not in the next few weeks with mid-way exams."

With a loud sigh, she said, "fine. But don't think I'll let it pass this easy next time. I will take Ariana Grande to a party!"

As she finished, she began turning and walking towards her car. I shook my head. That girl, I tell you. She's crazy and out-going; the complete opposite of me.

However one thing I didn't like, is that she always pesters me and never just accepts and respects my decisions. I don't like parties, simple as that. To me, all they are is a place for drunken teenagers to take advantage of each other. I could only imagine the stench of sex and vodka, ew.

As I walked along the path, I seen leaves rustling, sending shivers down my spine. It gave me this feeling, like there were a pair of hidden eyes watching me.

By instinct, my legs quickened their pace to get home quicker. I'm not sure if there is someone there or if I'm being paranoid. Regardless, I won't be that girl to take any chances.

Once I arrive home, I hurry inside and make sure to lock the door behind me.

Suddenly, I felt multiple pairs of tongues and paws attack my legs. Looking down, I seen all three of my dogs happy to see me.

"Hello my babies, oh I missed you all too! Ow! Coco, gentle," I spoke to them.

I swear they can understand me, I'm not going crazy. Ophelia and Toulouse sat patiently at my feet, which deserved a big pat and ear tickle.

"To the couch! I need to get changed."

On command, they all pounced towards the couch and cuddled right into each other, absolutely melting my heart.

I placed my heavy bag, full of books, onto the small shelf beside the door. I shook off my coat and placed it onto the hanger. Before I stalked off to my room, I left out some biscuits for my baby.

I then proceeded to change into comfy clothes and take off all my makeup. I took my hair out of the high pony it was in and plated it so it could call loosely down my back.

Glancing at my night stand, I seen my science textbook. I flicked open to the green tabbed page.

Over the next few hours, I went over every single bit of highlighted work until I could repeat it all without looking.

"Finally, I'm getting somewhere," I said to myself with a smile on my face.

Jumping, I heard my phone ringing from beside me. I had resided to my bed, with paper and pencils sprawled out everywhere.

Picking it up, I answered it, expecting it to be Cassie. She is my only friend after all.

"Hey," I answered.

"Hello, my darling," A deep, rustic voice spoke through the speaker.

"Excuse me? I think you have the wrong number," I said, adjusting the phone against my ear.

"Oh Ari, my precious little lady. I don't have the wrong number. I'll be seeing you soon-"

Before the person could continue, I hung up. My breath was stuck in my throat, my heart was racing.

"Babies! Come sleep with mummy tonight!" I shouted.

Before I knew it, my legs were being cuddles by all three of my dogs.

"I'm a little scared guys, don't leave me tonight."

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