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A woman with curly brown hair peered intently into the eyepiece of a microscope, muttering to herself in a low whisper.

"You wanted to see me?" a pale girl asked from the doorway. The woman didn't look up, so the girl walked inside the room and sat in a chair off to one side.

Half an hour passed before the woman noticed her. "Oh, how long have you been waiting?" she asked.

"Not long." The girl shrugged. "Why did you want to see me?"

"I want to show you something." The woman's eyes sparkled. She gestured for the girl to follow her across the room to a steel door, where she typed in a code and scanned her fingerprint. The door clicked and swung inward, revealing a room swathed in shadows. The woman flipped a switch and four egg-shaped pods glowed a pale blue. The woman walked to the nearest pod, gesturing for the girl to join her. She did, then stared into the glass surface of the pod. Inside a creature that wasn't quite human slept peacefully. "What do you think?" The woman smiled.

"When will they wake?" the girl asked, sounding almost nervous.

"By tomorrow."

"Oh." That doesn't give me much time ...


Later that day when the pale girl returned to her quarters she was surprised to find a manila folder beneath her pillow. Checking to make sure no one was observing, she opened it and read the beginning of the first page: Classified: Project Starfall.

Project Starfall (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now