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"Elliot, come on! We're going to be late!" Mercy pounded on the door.

"One second!" Elliot shouted back. He shoved the rest of his things into his bag and slung it over a shoulder. When he opened the door Mercy was tapping her foot impatiently.

"Come on!" She grabbed him by the arm and began dragging him down the hall and outside.

Elliot squinted into the bright sunlight. When his eyes adjusted he saw April and August running toward them. April had tied her long hair into a braid, while August's flowed down to his waist. It still amazed Elliot how similar they looked even though they were opposite genders. On several occasions when he wasn't paying close enough attention he had gotten them mixed up.

"Hi Elliot," August said.

"And Mercy," April added.

Elliot didn't think he would ever get used to the way they spoke in turns. "Hi!" Mercy greeted them excitedly. "Are you ready for our first day?"

"I guess." April shrugged.

"Hopefully it's not boring." August shuddered.

"You two are such pessimists," Mercy complained. "Now come on! I really don't want to be late!"

Elliot hurried to keep up with Mercy's fast pace, while April and August treaded slowly behind. "Come on!" Mercy shouted again, and they begrudgingly caught up. Together they raced across the courtyard to a stately, cream-colored building. Crowding in front of it was a mix of hybrids and regular humans, chattering in excitement and nervousness. "Look! There's Pierce!" Mercy pointed at the building's front steps.

Pierce observed the crowd with an amused smile. Her feathered wings were extended their full length, glittering like freshly fallen snow under the sun's light. She raised a hand for silence and the voices of the hybrids faded. "Welcome," Pierce said, "to NOVA University."

*** Hope you enjoyed book 1!! Book 2 will be completed by the end of June :)

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