Chapter 21

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"How?" Pierce repeated, unable to form a better question. Behind her Madigan poked the bindings around her wings, then began picking the locks with her claws.

"After you left I was able to hold my own for a while, but I never would have made it out if it weren't for Terra." Darius smiled fondly at the girl, and Pierce realized the two were a couple. "I was prepared to die when she showed up. Terra had studied the complex inside and out, so knew all of the best ways to evade the guards. We made it to the hangar after you were already gone and were able to steal a ride. We've been searching for you ever since."

Pierce let the information sink in. "Who are you working for?" she finally asked. Madigan finished with the bindings around her wings and they fell to the ground with a clatter. Pierce stretched them out as the tiger hybrid began working on her handcuffs.

"We're part of a group that came together with the purpose of stopping Project Starfall, but now work to protect U.S. citizens from all kinds of political corruption. We call ourselves NOVA, the National Order of Vowed Allegiance. Terra and I are two of a handful that were able to infiltrate them, though now our cover has been blown."

"What's with all the fancy names?" Knox asked. "Project Starfall, NOVA, I mean, who comes up with them? Are there people who get paid to do it?"

"The name isn't important." Terra sighed in exasperation. "You guys aren't what I expected when I signed up to help you."

"What did you expect?" Pierce asked as Madigan finished unlocking her handcuffs. "Thanks," she told the tiger hybrid, who shrugged in response.

"Hardened criminals," Terra admitted. "You are just a bunch of ... kids."

"I hate to break it to you, but you're a kid too." Knox grinned, causing Terra to stare at his shark teeth.

"Just ignore him," Pierce advised. "Arguing will only make him more difficult."

"Rude," Knox muttered.

"So, now what?" Pierce asked. "Why have you done so much for us? It's hard to believe your organization would go to so much trouble just to save five hybrids."

"They probably want to dissect us or something," Madigan mumbled.

"We would never do that!" Terra exclaimed, looking horrified. "We protect people."

Darius looked grim. "I wish I could say our only motive was helping you," he said. "But you were right. The leaders of NOVA would never expend so many resources to save just five people if they weren't able to gain something in return."

"What is it you want?" Pierce asked.

"We want your help in taking down Project Starfall's Beta Lab," Darius answered. "Starfall has many labs, but the Beta Lab and the one you escaped from are their two biggest. They were forced to shut down your lab, the Alpha Lab, after your escape, and if we can take down the Beta Lab too it would be a huge blow to their entire organization."

Beta Lab, the words reminded Pierce of the twins April and August. "We thought we were the only hybrids in existence until we met others claiming to be part of the Beta experiments."

"There are many hybrids," Darius informed her. "After you were a success, Pierce, the Beta Lab was where several more kinks were worked out before your friends were created. Their efforts helped to ensure specific traits in a hybrid, for example. Unfortunately, many died in the process, far more than were ever killed at the Alpha Lab."

Pierce hadn't thought it was possible, but she found herself hating Project Starfall even more. "If we agree to help, what would you want us to do?" she asked coolly.

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