Chapter 27

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"Pierce, you have to come back to us now," Knox said. After escaping from the Beta Lab Terra and Darius had arrived with three helicopters large enough to hold all of the newly freed hybrids. Pierce, Knox, Elliot, and Madigan sat together in the one piloted by Darius.

"Come back?" Pierce asked. "From where?"

Knox sighed. "This is hopeless," he muttered, turning to Madigan and Elliot. "Any ideas?"

"Pierce," Elliot tried. "Remember what you said? That since meeting us you'd never felt more human?"

Pierce nodded. "I remember," she answered. "I do not understand what I meant."

"You meant that you could feel things," Elliot explained. "You could feel happiness and anger and sadness and all of the wonderful and terrible emotions humans experience."

"Emotions get in the way of carrying out assignments," Pierce said. "Why would I want them back?"

"Because without them you're nothing!" Elliot suddenly shouted. Desperation, Pierce read. "Please, Pierce," he pleaded. "Come back to us."

"Please, Pierce," Madigan repeated.

"Remember what you made me promise?" Knox added. "To kill you if you couldn't come back?"

Madigan and Elliot turned their heads sharply toward him. "You wouldn't do that, though, right?" Elliot asked.

"It's what she wanted," Knox said, standing. Pierce reached for her gun but Madigan snatched it from her hands.

"Wait!" Elliot shouted as Knox grabbed Pierce by the collar of her trench coat and shoved her against the side of the helicopter.

"Come back or I'll kill you," Knox demanded. Pierce studied his eyes. Truth.

Pierce saw a speck of light in the darkness. "I'm serious," Knox's voice reverberated from far away. Pierce walked toward the light. It burned, causing her to retreat several steps. "Last chance, Pierce," he warned. Bracing herself, Pierce ran for the light, screaming as its heat engulfed her.

Knox let go of her collar. "Pierce, are you all right?" he asked.

Pierce sat, gasping. "Yeah," she said.

"Chirp like a bird," Knox commanded.

Pierce scowled at him. "Excuse me?"

"Pierce!" he exclaimed. "You're back!"

"Yeah. I'm back." Pierce smiled as tears began dripping down her cheeks. She looked at Elliot, who was crying as well. "You know, kid, being human really sucks sometimes."

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