Chapter 2

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The training room, about the size of ten football fields all smooshed together, was filled with every type of equipment imaginable. There was typical workout equipment like treadmills and weights alongside aisles of not-so-typical deadly weapons. In one corner there was an Olympic-sized swimming pool and in another was a track. There were even several different rock-climbing walls and obstacle courses. It would have been awesome if it hadn't been owned by an evil government corporation.

The director was waiting inside for them. She was a tall, muscular woman with white-blonde hair and slate-colored eyes that complemented her narrow face. "This is where you will master different skill sets as well as your new hybrid abilities," the woman explained. "I have found someone to guide your training, but unfortunately they will not be arriving for several days. In the meantime, I will let Pierce show you around. There are guards stationed at each piece of equipment to ensure you do not try anything, as well as to answer any questions you may have about the equipment. I have important matters to take care of, so don't do anything that requires me to intervene. If you do I will personally oversee your punishment." The woman let the threat linger in the air, fixing each of them with an icy stare. Then she walked past them, leaving Pierce in charge.

Pierce watched with narrowed eyes as she left. "It was the director who led the training of me and the old hybrids," she informed the new hybrids. "Hopefully the person she hired will be more agreeable." Pierce scanned the training room. "I guess I'll show you around and you can try out some of the equipment," she decided. "We can start at the pool."

The hybrids followed Pierce toward the pool. Knox and Grey appeared at ease, but Elliot and Madigan kept casting nervous glances around at the patrolling guards. When they reached the pool they weren't met with the familiar thick scent of chlorine. The scientists had engineered a bacteria to keep it clean without using harsh chemicals.

Next to her, Knox unbuttoned the top half of his jumpsuit, revealing lean muscles. He was built like a swimmer, with long arms and broad shoulders. Maybe it's because of the DNA change ... The shark hybrid stepped to the edge of the pool and dove in as if he'd done it a million times before. Or maybe not. "Just gonna swim a few laps. Don't mind me," he shouted, then took off swimming freestyle with surprising grace. He was down and back in what seemed like seconds, never tiring, and never taking a breath.

"Breathing underwater. Wish I could do that," Elliot said in awe.

"I'd rather stay on land and breathe air," Madigan grumbled, tail twitching.

"Come on. I'll show you the rest of the training room," Pierce said, and began walking away from the pool.

"Wait for me!" Knox shouted, using his hands to grip the side of the pool and pull himself out. Guards glared at him as he dripped water across the floor.

Pierce sighed, then led the group of hybrids around the training room. They walked by the track, some of the obstacle courses, and various weapon stands.

"Do you mind if I ask a few questions?" Grey asked her when they stopped at a stand stocked with bows and arrows.

"No, of course I wouldn't mind. Just understand that I don't have all the answers," Pierce said. And I won't tell you all of the ones I do know.

"First, I would like to ask more about the collars. I'm sure they have more uses than just tracking where we go."

"Yes," Pierce admitted. "If you manage to tick off one of the ones in charge .... Well, they burn you." With her index finger she shifted the collar the best she could, revealing old burn scars around her neck. "Heed my advice and try not to anger them."

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