Chapter 26

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Pierce led the group of hybrids through the lab, choosing the lesser-known passages she had studied from the map. Knox, Madigan, and Elliot were directly behind her. Pierce was able to deal with the majority of the guards they came across, but sometimes Madigan or Knox had to help when there were too many for Pierce to handle by herself.

At one point a guard sent a bullet whizzing toward a hybrid with wolf ears, but Pierce jumped into its path, taking the bullet in her left shoulder. She stopped long enough to bind her arm into a makeshift sling, then returned to her place at the front of the pack.

"Stop," Pierce finally ordered. They had reached a vast underground garage filled mostly with vans, but there were also a couple of sedans, motorcycles, and a shiny black bus. "That is how we will get out." Pierce pointed at the bus.

The garage was strangely devoid of Starfall agents. Pierce listened, but all she could hear were the heartbeats of the hybrids around her and an odd buzzing noise she couldn't place. "I don't like the feeling of this place." Elliot shuddered. Madigan nodded her agreement.

"There is no other way out," Pierce said and began walking toward the bus. Warily, the other hybrids followed.

Halfway there the buzzing cut off and the thrumming of heartbeats reached Pierce's ears. Out from doors in the walls streamed dozens of guards. Pierce's eyes narrowed at two figures that stood out among them: Aurora and Marcy. The snow leopard hybrid grinned smugly; the scientist was solemn.

"How does it feel?" Aurora asked. "To have been so close?"

"What was that buzzing?" Pierce asked.

It was Marcy who answered. "It worked, didn't it?" she asked excitedly. "It's a new invention of mine. To counter the sharper hearing of hybrids. I'm working on some others as well. It's a precaution in case something like this—your escape, I mean—happens again." Her excitement drained away. "I wish it hadn't come to this, Pierce, but if I don't do this someone else will. It's like that book, Old Yeller. I have to do this myself." Marcy began crying.

"What are you talking about?" Aurora asked, smug grin having vanished. "Killing them?"

"Yes," Marcy said between sobs. "I have no choice."

"But not Madi, right?" the leopard hybrid asked.

Marcy sniffled. "Everyone except you. You have been loyal, Aurora, so you've been allowed to live."

Confusion, Pierce read from Aurora. Fear. Betrayal. The leopard hybrid turned her eyes on Madigan. Love. Aurora grabbed Marcy by the neck, causing the guards to point their guns at her. "Don't shoot or she dies," she warned, tail twitching. "I assume you won't leave without them?" she asked Madigan.

It took Madigan a second to find her words. "No," she eventually said.

"Then get everyone onto the bus," Aurora told her.

Madigan nodded, a dazed look in her eyes. "Everyone on the bus!" The tiger hybrid ordered. All of the hybrids filed onto the bus, with Pierce, Elliot, Knox, the twins, and the bird girl last.

Aurora addressed the guards. "Okay, here's what's going to happen." She tightened her grip on Marcy's neck, causing the scientist to yelp. "You will let them leave. Then I'll release your precious scientist."

One of the guards stepped forward. "How do we know you'll keep your word?" he asked.

"You don't," Aurora snarled in response. "But it's your only option right now."

The man sighed. "Open the gate," he ordered two of the guards next to him and they hurried over to a control room beside a wall of steel. Seconds later the wall opened, revealing a dimly lit passageway just big enough for the bus.

"What about you?" Madigan asked Aurora. Pierce studied Madigan, but the girl had so many conflicting emotions running across her face that Pierce had trouble untangling them.

"I'll be fine." Aurora smirked. "You know I've been in worse situations than this."

Madigan pushed past Pierce and scrambled down the steps of the bus. Aurora's eyes widened as the girl ran to her and hugged her tightly. Still holding onto Marcy, Aurora wrapped her free arm around Madigan. Tears began streaming down both of their faces. "Go," Aurora finally said, pushing Madigan away from her. "I'll be fine."

"Goodbye, Aurora," Madigan whispered.

Knox took the wheel as she climbed back onto the bus. "Everyone hold on tight," the tall hybrid said.

Elliot pulled down one of the bus's windows. "You should all get out of here," he warned the guards. "This place won't be standing much longer."

"What do you mean?" one of them asked, but Elliot was already sliding the window back up.

"Why did you do that?" Pierce asked. "This was the perfect opportunity to eliminate them."

"Because, Pierce," Elliot answered. "No one deserves to die."

Pierce stared at him blankly. "They tried to kill us. Whether they deserve to die is irrelevant."

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