Chapter 9

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After Pierce and Grey made it back to the other hybrids they headed to the nearest motel and rented a single room. They weren't planning to stay the night, but needed a place to alter their appearances. Also, the hotel was closer to the shopping district, making it easier to get any supplies they had forgotten. The room was decent and not too expensive; it would've been perfect had they not been cramped together.

Once everyone found a place to sit, they began discussing their next move. "They'll be looking for us at airports, so we're not leaving for the eastern hemisphere unless we become stowaways," Pierce said from her place on one of the beds. "I think it would be best if we find a car or two and put some distance between us and the compound."

"We could head down to Mexico," Knox proposed.

"No." Pierce shook her head. "Project Starfall has more influence than you think. By now the border patrol will be on high alert."

"Man." Knox pouted. "I was excited. I have some cousins there."

Madigan, who had been lying on her back and looking uninterested, pulled herself into a sitting position. She was wearing jeans and a grey hoodie that had been in the helicopter. "Why not Florida?" she suggested. "It's far away and I know of a beach house in Orlando we can stay at. The people who own it are only there during the summer."

"That's fine with me," Pierce said. "Does anyone have an objection?" They agreed, so Pierce moved on. "What about transportation?"

Knox informed her that the helicopter had enough fuel left to get them to Texas. From there they would have to drive the rest of the way in a car they would rent from an old friend of Knox's. Pierce wasn't looking forward to the lengthy travel they had ahead of them.

"We're going to need food," Grey pointed out.

"Ah yes, I was wondering when this subject would come up," Knox said.

It was quickly decided that Madigan and Knox would find somewhere to buy food. Madigan wore a hat—a simple baseball cap to cover her ears—and Knox was wearing a red bandana around his neck to cover his gills. Pierce had almost grabbed him a scarf like hers, then realized he would never wear it.

Madigan had also tucked in her tail and slipped gloves over her clawed hands.

"Wearing gloves during a California spring," Knox commented. "That's not suspicious at all." Madigan glared at him.

"Please be careful," Pierce said as they walked out the door. "I don't want to head back to prison anytime soon."

"We'll be fine," Knox assured her. Madigan slouched beside him, hands in her hoodie pocket and a frown on her face. Maybe I shouldn't have sent them together ... the two headed off and Pierce shut the door behind them.

While they were gone Pierce, Grey, and Elliot broke into the supply of colored contacts and hair dye. Pierce opted for a pair of brown contacts and felt almost like her old self after slipping them over her yellow irises. She ran a hand through her choppy white hair and looked at a box of honey-blonde dye. It wasn't her old black, but then, she didn't want to look exactly like she had. She would've chosen different colored contacts, too, but any shade beside brown looked unnatural on her.

"What do you think?" Grey asked, coming to her. Pierce looked up and let out a small gasp. His normally dark eyes were now a stunning shade of cerulean. Grey smiled at her reaction, and Pierce quickly shifted her surprise into nonchalance, frustrated that he'd broken her calm demeanor. "My old eye color was blue," he told her. "Not as bright as they are now and a little lighter, but blue."

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