Chapter 5

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The following day the hybrids woke and quickly got themselves cleaned up. Then they ate a small breakfast, after which the director called them over. "What's going on?" Elliot asked, shuffling anxiously from foot-to-foot.

"Who knows," Pierce said distractedly. Her mind was filled with thoughts about her conversation with Darius the night before.

"We have already begun preparing for your first assignment." The director broke the nervous silence. "It is necessary for us to get an assessment of your new abilities, so in a minute you will follow me to the labs. You may not have discovered the extent of your abilities yet, so hopefully this will provide a learning opportunity for you as well as us. We will also be getting an overview of your current physical and mental health."

"How long until our first mission?" Pierce asked, being the only one brave enough to speak. Even Knox acted wary of the director.

"If all goes well, we'll be sending you off in three days from now. This assignment won't be as important as some in the future, so think of it is a test run. It will still be difficult, but if you fail the only one who get hurt will be you."

Three days? They haven't even received proper training yet! Pierce knew something big had changed, though she wasn't sure what. She studied the director carefully, noting that the woman was exhausted, though she hid it well. Her skin had a grey pallor and the bags under her eyes were more prominent than usual. I need to speak with Darius....

"We're going to die, aren't we?" Grey whispered. He had meant for the question to be directed at her, but with the others' keen hearing they had certainly heard it as well. Pierce caught Madigan glancing worriedly at her, and Elliot was looking a little green again.

"No," she said quietly. "I won't let that happen."

Grey smiled grimly. "We're all in this together now. You can count on us to back you up."

"Thanks." Pierce nodded. Then they fell silent, waiting for the director's next instructions. The woman told them to stay where they were, nothing more.

It was ten minutes of waiting before the director's walkie-talkie buzzed. "Are we all set?" she asked. There was a muffled voice on the other end, and Pierce could barely make out the distorted words: "Yep. We're good to go."

"All right," the director's voice boomed. "Follow me. We're going to the labs." She didn't bother to handcuff them, knowing they wouldn't attempt to escape; there were guards around every corner, and the hybrids had no idea how the building was laid out, so escape was futile. Furthermore, their tracking collars would burn them if they tried.

After weaving through a maze of hallways they reached a set of steel doors. The director typed in a complex password, then had to scan an ID card and fingerprint before it opened. From the doors came a whirring noise, then a sharp click. The director pushed them open and the chemical scent of bleach washed over the hybrids. There was another smell, too, that was indescribable, yet instantly recognized- the smell of death.

"Time to get this over with," Pierce muttered as a group of scientists eagerly approached them. One was holding a clipboard, and Pierce recognized her as the scientist who had perfected the hybrid experiments. Without her, Pierce would've died, and sometimes she hated the woman for it.

"Well then. Let's get started." The head scientist smiled and tucked a stray piece of mousy brown hair behind her ear. "When you hear your number called, please follow your assigned scientist to one of the private rooms. There you will finish up all testing as quickly and efficiently as possible. My name is Marcy, and I'll be overseeing everything. You have nothing to worry about."

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