Chapter 13

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They arrived at the vacation house the morning after their run-in with Aurora and the twins. Knox was driving again, and Pierce had sent Madigan to the back so she could sit in the passenger's seat. She didn't feel any guilt for doing so. Knox wasn't the most preferable companion, so in Pierce's mind she was doing the girl a favor.

"We're here, Boss!" Knox shouted as the house came into view, causing her to wince.

"Sensitive hearing," Pierce reminded him coldly. "You don't have to yell."

"I know." He grinned toothily.

As soon as Knox cut the engine the van's passengers dove for the nearest door, anxious to be free of the cramped vehicle. All but Grey, who waited for everyone else to depart before stepping lightly onto the ground.

"How's your head?" Pierce asked, coming to walk alongside him.

"Better now." He smiled tiredly.

"Good," she said. They walked together in a comfortable silence. With anyone else she would've felt uncomfortable, but Grey had a way of making normally awkward scenarios into the opposite.

Pierce studied the house. It was pretty, she decided. Made from blue-painted wood panels and accented with white trim, the vacation home stood two stories tall. There were several palm trees out front and scrubby bushes poked out from the sand-covered ground. Elliot was walking a few feet ahead of her in a tired daze. "Kid needs more sleep," she said.

"That would be good for him," Grey agreed, startling her. Sometimes it was easy to forget he was there. "I can tell you really care about him," he acknowledged, looking regretful. "Again reminding me how wrong I was to say what I did."

Pierce laughed. "You don't need to apologize any more," she assured him.

"But I do." He shook his head. "I let my emotions get out of hand."

"Compared to the mistakes I've made, it's nothing," Pierce scoffed. "Anyways. Enough of this. We finally have a chance to relax, so let's enjoy it." The words, of course, were a hopeful lie. Pierce doubted she would ever feel at ease in the world.

"You're right." Grey smiled, looking cheerful again.

After they moved any supplies that had survived the journey into the house, the hybrids walked to a nearby grocery store to buy more food.

Back at the house everyone claimed the rooms where they would sleep. The house was big, so they were each able to have their own. Pierce entered her room and shut the door, abruptly cutting off the noisy voices outside. A wild panic flared up in her chest, and Pierce swung the door open again, fumbling for the handle before she finally caught hold of it. The panic only died down once the voices returned and her exit stood unimpeded. She was both surprised and frustrated by the reaction. It's only normal to be a little claustrophobic after being locked up so long, she consoled herself. Pierce started to close the door again, then left it open with an annoyed sigh. She rummaged through the room but didn't uncover anything of value. The owners had only left a few books, loose change, and a pack of cigarettes behind. She checked the closet and found it empty except for some cleaning supplies.

A knock sounded on the wall beside the open door, and Knox entered. "Hey, Cap'n'," he greeted her. He no longer wore his bandana, and Pierce found herself staring at his exposed gills, wondering if she would ever get used to the sight.

"Can I help you?" she asked dryly.

"Just wanted to let you know we're going down to the beach," he said. "Want to join us?"

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