Chapter 23

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After they departed from the refueling station Pierce sat and leaned against the side of the helicopter. "You nervous?" Grey asked, sitting beside her.

"No, not nervous." Pierce shook her head. "Definitely not happy about what we're about to do, but not nervous."

"You continue to astound me." Grey laughed. "I can't understand how you stay calm in situations like these."

"You don't look too worried yourself," Pierce pointed out.

"I don't show it, but I am." Grey sighed, and Pierce stared at him with wide eyes. "I was a con man, remember?" Grey went on. "Good at faking how I feel."

"Why are you telling me?" Pierce asked quietly.

"I know trusting people is difficult for you," he replied. "I want you to know that from now on I will always tell you the truth."

"Thank you," Pierce whispered. Her face grew warm, and she looked away a second before turning back. His fake blue eyes were watching her with something Pierce could hardly contemplate. She had experienced something close to love before, but it was nothing like what she felt now, with Grey.

Pierce watched, frozen, as he leaned toward her. Part of her wanted to run, swing open the helicopter door, and dive out into the clouds. But another, stronger piece of her being kept her there, completely still. Time froze as his lips touched hers, and Pierce barely registered her eyes closing. Then the moment was over and her golden irises blinked open, shining with a dazed, but radiant light. Pierce realized then that she wasn't breathing, and it took her a moment to remember how. It was the first time she had ever kissed anyone.

"Was that okay?" Grey asked, face reddening a little. Pierce found it funny seeing him flustered, his usual calm demeanor lost.

"Yes." She smiled, unable to say anything else.

He smiled back and parted his lips to say something, but at that time the voice of a NOVA agent rang loudly throughout the helicopter.

"We will land in five minutes, so you'll need to put your collars on," she said.

Terra had informed them before departing that they would need to wear tracking collars since Project Starfall was expecting them to. Pierce had begrudgingly agreed, and now she clicked the collar around her neck.

"Okay, you all remember the plan, right?" Pierce asked, pushing thoughts of Grey aside for the time being.

"You and Grey take care of the security system, we rescue any hybrids," Knox replied. "Simple."

"Don't get sidetracked," Pierce warned. "Just get the job done and leave, preferably in one piece." Pierce hid the small sphere she had been given in her trench coat.

The helicopter dropped gradually closer to the ground before landing outside a large compound. Terra and her agents clipped handcuffs around each hybrid's wrists, then herded them into a tight huddle. The helicopter's side door swung open and black-clad guards flooded in. Several grabbed Pierce and pulled her none too gently from the aircraft. Once outside, they shoved her to her knees. Beneath her coat, Pierce's wings were folded tightly against her back in an attempt to protect them.

Still kneeling, Pierce grimaced as a guard grasped her cuffed hands and twisted the right at an uncomfortable angle. The dark figure scanned the numbers tattooed on her inner wrist, then released his grip on her arm. The guard acted as if he would pull her to her feet, then kicked her sharply in the back. Pierce grunted as she was flung forward and landed on the paved ground. With her hands cuffed she couldn't break the fall, but was able to twist onto her side before the impact. The skin on her arm and shoulder stung as it scraped the pavement, but her head was left unscathed.

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