Chapter 25

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Pierce had to brace herself for the barrage of noises that hit her. Outside the security room were hybrids Pierce didn't recognize, some talking, others screaming, and a few making noises that were definitely not human. Pierce estimated there were around a hundred of them. Madigan and Elliot cautiously approached a panicking insect-like hybrid who was muttering to herself and pulling at her hair. They spoke in low tones, attempting to calm her down. "Regretting your decision to take them with us?" Knox joked, but there wasn't any humor in his voice. The tall hybrid was looking at her with a cross between pity and concern. Pierce felt a strong urge to throw up again, the image of Grey's insane eyes surfacing in her mind.

Pierce felt her body begin to tremble. I have to get them out, she thought desperately. There's only one way.... But what if I can't come back? No, that's a risk I'm going to have to take.

"Knox," she said aloud. "Remember how I said I could detach myself from my emotions?" He nodded. "Well, the only way I can get us out of here is if I go numb. You understand, don't you? I can't—" her voice cracked, and tears began brimming at the edges of her eyes.

"Pierce, it's all right." Knox placed his hands on her shoulders and shook her a little. "You don't have to be the one to get us out of here. I can do it."

Pierce shook her head, tears dripping down her face. "You don't know the map like I do," she said, voice quivering. "I have to do it, but I need you to promise me something."

"What?" Knox asked. Pierce hardly recognized the serious look on his face.

"I-If I try to hurt anyone," she stuttered. "If I turn into a monster again ... You have to kill me. Please."

"Okay," Knox agreed, expression unreadable.

"Thank you," Pierce whispered. "I'm glad we met. Please take care of everyone if I ... "

"I will," Knox promised.

Pierce retreated from her feelings; it was like walking backwards in a tunnel, the light at the end growing smaller and smaller until there was nothing. "Pierce?" Knox asked, and she studied him blankly, but her mind was moving fast, analyzing every potential weakness of the hybrid in front of her.

"Why am I here?" Pierce asked. "I don't understand." She looked around at all the hybrids, noting each of their vulnerabilities. Tails are too easy to grab in a fight. A poor adaptation. If I had a tail I would remove it.

"What do you mean?" Knox asked. He is scared, Pierce read from his face.

"These people," she replied. "I'm here to help them, but there is no reason why I would do that. I was not ordered to."

"What's going on?" Elliot and Madigan approached them. They had managed to calm down the insect hybrid, and were now staring at Pierce with concern.

"Pierce detached herself from her emotions," Knox answered. Emotions?

"Why would you let her do that?" Elliot exclaimed. "What if she can't get them back?" Madigan took a step away from Pierce. Also scared, Pierce determined.

Knox crossed his arms. "Do really think I could've stopped her, kid?"

"Maybe," Elliot protested.

Pierce heard footsteps: guards. She stepped back into the security room and found the letter opener Grey had used to gouge out her eye. She picked it up and twirled it between her fingers. "Pierce?" Elliot called from the hallway. "What are you doing?"

"There are guards coming," Pierce answered. She pushed her way through the crowd of hybrids, ignoring several angry remarks directed at her.

Three guards stumbled into the hallway from an adjoining passageway, but began to run when they noticed the large group of hybrids. Pierce tossed the letter opener, sending it through one of the retreating guards' skulls, then shot another in the heart. The third tripped on the dead bodies of his companions. Pierce darted forward and snapped his neck before he could get up again.

"Pierce?" Elliot whispered. She turned to see the kid staring at her in horror. "Why did you do that? They were leaving!"

"They were a potential threat," she answered. "I eliminated them."

"B-But," Elliot stammered.

Knox came to stand by his side, Madigan behind him. "That's not Pierce," the tall hybrid said. "That's a weapon."

"What is my assignment?" Pierce asked, staring directly at Knox.

"You're asking me?" Knox's eyes widened.

"Yes," Pierce said.

The tall hybrid laughed. "Will you do anything I ask?"

"Yes," Pierce repeated.

"Uh, sit," Knox tried. Pierce sat. Grinning, the tall hybrid turned to Madigan and Elliot. "What else should I ask? This is hilarious."

Elliot frowned. "Ask her to get us out of here," he said. "This place won't be standing much longer."

Knox sighed. "What a waste of an opportunity."

"Hurry," Madigan hissed.

"Fine, fine," Knox agreed. "Stand," he commanded, and Pierce stood. "Okay, your mission is to get us and all of the other hybrids out of here without anyone dying."

"If someone dies should I abandon the mission?" Pierce asked.

"No!" Knox waved his hands in the air. "Even if someone dies still try to get everyone else to safety."

"I will do everything I can to complete the mission," Pierce said.

Pierce picked out April, August, and the other bird hybrid from the group. Unlike the other newly freed hybrids they were quiet and tense, ready to react in a moment's notice. Aurora was nowhere in sight. Pierce confronted them. "The three of you will watch the rear," she said. "Protect the others from guards and make sure no one gets lost."

"Are you leading us out of here?" the bird hybrid asked.

"Yes," Pierce answered.

The girl met eyes with April and August. They all nodded at each other, then the bird hybrid spoke to Pierce again. "Okay," she said. "We'll help you."

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