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Adry: (sulking in her hotel room, it is also Marin's room)

Plagg: hay, kid, you ok.

Adry: No, I don't get it. I was practically throwing  myself at him, I even did clichés. He don't even like looking it me.

Plagg: "dam I am bad a romantic shit, what would Tikki say" maybe your not his type. . .

Adry: (groans)

Plagg: (ok not that)

Adry: it's not fair, every guy looks at me like I am meat, I got love letters daily to the point where I can't physically read them all, but the one guy, that I fell for twice! Won't even look at me unless he really has to.

Plagg: "come on say something your chosen needs you" umm maybe he umm "I got nothing"

Phone rings. It's her makeup artist

Adri: hi sam

Sam: hi Adry, how you doing.

Adry: fine how about you

Sam: good. Just wanted the details on the boy you got dolled up for, did he drool when he saw you? It was some of my best work

Adry: umm, it, didn't go well

Sam: oh, umm what happened

Adry: he avoided looking at me all day, every guy stared but him. I have to go see ya( hangs up)
With Marin

Alin: man you messed up.

Marin: I know, she probably hates me now.

Alin: I think your wrong man, think to why she was so upset.

Teacher tells everyone to go back to their rooms.

Marin: see ya Alin

Alin: bye man but think on what I said.

Marin: "oh how could I forget, she is a model and is treated differently all the time, the fact that I did so so extremely must have hurt her. Dam it, and dam my hormones"

Marin gets back to his room to see Adry sitting on her bed with dried tear marks.

Marin: "did I make her cry" are you ok."

Adry: no, I'm sorry were in the same room, I will ask to see if we can get switch "if he want me to stay away, it's the least I can do"

Marin: N No, it's fine, do you w want to talk a about what happened t today "dam I can't stop the stutter"

Adry: no "I got the rejection, I don't want to hear you say it"

Marin: "this is going terribly" do y you want t to shower first.

Adry: you can go first

Marin: ok (he slowly walks to the bathroom thinking how can he fix this)

Adry: (whispers) I love you

Plagg: "it looks like she is breaking" (Plagg flus up to her face and hugs her, it's the only thing he can think off. She puts her hand on him as if to hug him back

Marin finish his shower and pits on his pj pants and walks out

Marin: you can go n now "dam so close"

Adry: (she goes but forgets to grab pjs)

Marin: (lays down in his bet) "I guess I have lost all my chances with her now, all do to my awkwardness. Can I even fix this" (he thinks hard but soon falls asleep)

15 minutes later

Adry: "dam I forgot pajamas" (peeks out the bathroom and sees Marin asleep) "I guess I will just try to not wake him" (forgetting he is a heavy sleeper)

(She wraps herself in a towel and walks over to grab her pjs, but she hears something)

Marin: (sleep talking) Adrrryy, Addrry

Adry: "he is dreaming of me!  It's probably a nightmare or something"

Marin: Immm sorry, thhhe reasssonn, reasonnn i i i, aact weird, with you.

Adry: "I am not sure I want to hear this, should I cover my ears, but I need to know, I need to know why he doesn't like me"

Marin: iiiss, becauous, (Adry waits, scared of what he might say) I I looooaaa. . . You

Adry: "looooaaa? What does he mean, wait, loath" (she looks down defeated) "I was right he was only nice because he is nice, he hates me, I can't believe this. I have only been kind to him" (she gets dressed and goes to bed heartbroken)

The morning Marin wakes up

Marin: "ok how to fix things with Adry, Alin told me of an arcade"

Adry wakes up

Marin: oh Adry do you want to go to the arcade, my treat. "No stutters nice"

Adry: "I was almost happy but than I remembered what happed yesterday" you really don't have to take me

Marin: come on it will be fun, I want to

Adry: "if he hates me why does he do this" I don't think I should

Marin: come on, for me

Adry: "I wanted to say no, but I couldn't " ok

They went to the arcade, and even after Adry tried to get her own tokens Marin bought them first

Adry: you didn't need to do that

Marin: "she is still sad" I wanted to, now let's have fun

Adry was quickly having a blast, but every time she she tried to get close to him he reacted the same and she remembered the night before.

Adry: I need to use the bathroom. (She walk off)

Marin: o ok "I don't think I made her feel better"

Adry walks by and hears Alan and Nina

Nina: so how is Marin doing

Alan: after yesterday I'm not sure, He has like her for so long I just wish it works out

Adry: "he likes someone, no, this is why nothing worked he had a girl already in mind. He told me as luckbug how could I forget. What does she have that I don't. I'm literally a superhero, model, pianist, honor student Millionaire. I can't compete with a girl he already likes. And it seems like my tantrum yesterday effected his chances, it's why he hates me"

Nina: we just need to see how it goes, see ya Alin

Adry: (texts Marin saying she is going to the room) I'm sorry Marin

Ladybug gender bend. Love struck Where stories live. Discover now