Who is my rival

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Adry got home with a grin on her face. She flies on her bed

Adry: today was amazing, I got to act freely act with Marin, and he said he liked it. I think he is falling more me.

Plagg: ya ya (eats some cheese) I guess him wanting to move on was the best thing that happened to ya.

Adry: oh no

Plagg: what is it kid, did we run out of cheese (he hugs his cheese as if he was protecting it)

Adry: what if the girl actually likes him back. He didn't notice my feeling, what if he was wrong about the girl that he likes. Would he break up with me if she showed interest.

Plagg: ( oops) you want be sure of that.

Adry: he only agreed to go out with me because he was trying to move on, but if he finds out he doesn't need to he will have no reason to stay with me.

Plagg: you may be over reacting kind

Adry: I need to find out who it is. Make sure they know he is happy and stay away, I can't loose him now Plagg I just got him.

Plagg: calm down, have some cheese.

Adry: tomorrow I need to figure out who this girl is.

Plagg: (oh boy, I know I'm the kwami of destruction but not the destruction of confidence)

The next day Adry when to Marin's house before school. She enters the bakery.

Tom (Marin's Amazon of a mom): hi, Adry right.

Adry: yes, hello ms. Dupang

Tom: please, it's Tom "isn't that the girl Marin likes" hey Sabine we have a guest.

Sabine (Marin's short dad): oh Adry how are you.

Adry: good thank you for asking.

Sabine: "such a polite young lady, I hope she and Marin get together, if only the boy was not so nervous"

Marin: I didn't know we opened ye- Adry! Um hi

Adry: (walks up to him and pulls him into a kiss, kind of forgetting his parents are in the room )

Sabine: (well, I should hope for stuff more often)

Adry pull away from the kiss leaving a flustered Marin

Adry: hi, my charming. I wanted to walk to school together, (wraps her arms around him and stares into his eyes) you don't mind right.

Marin: n n not at aallll.

Adry giggles making Marin give her a love sick smile.

Tom: Marin, is there anything you need to tell us.

Marin: oh right, um this is Adry, my "did we ever really make it official"

Adry: (hugs his arm) Girlfriend, right marin

Marin: ya yeah "well it is now, this is a dream come true"

Tom: you take care of him now, if to school with the both of you, we don't want Marin to start being late again.

Adry: of course, (turns to Marin and speaks with a seductive voice) let's go my charming (holds his hand and right before they get out she waves at his parent.) so Marin.

Marin: yes Adry (just happy to be walking her to school)

Adry: um "I can't just ask him who he likes, especially scenes were together and I honestly prefer if he don't think about this mysterious crush of him" when's your birthday, I don't think you ever told me the exact date.

Marin: oh, it's in four mouths, nearly summer on the 12. Isn't yours this Friday. "I know that, but this will make my gift be even more surprising"

Adry: right "I have been so happy with Marin I had forgotten that my birthdays was coming up, I won't let who ever his crush is take him away" (her grip on his hand tightens but he doesn't notice)

They get to school and Adry sees girls looking at Marin, some giving him gogo eyes. Adry give them the, back of he's mine look while cuddling closer to him

Adry: " dam, after the gym incident nearly ever girl stars at him. I need to make sure they know he is off limits" Marin can you do me a favor?

Marin: sure what is it Adry

Adry: kiss me

Marin: w what

Adry closes her eyes and opens her mouth vary slightly and faces him, waiting.

Marin: "she usually starts the kiss, just go for it she is literally asking for it"

He leans down and kisses Adry. During the kiss Adry peeks a eye open and sees the girls look jealous or at least looking away. She stops looking when the kiss becomes to distracting and demands her full attention.

Alan: whoa whoa, I'm happy for ya but cool it on the PDA.

They stop kissing

Marin: your just jealous.

Adry: yeah, go ask out Nina if you want affection

Alan: wha what, it's not like I like her like that.

Adry: Sure what ever you say. (keeps an eye out on any girl that may still be looking at Marin, and glances at Marin to see if he is staring at anyone)

They go to class with a now nervous Alan. After they sit down Adry begins to make a list of all the girls that Marin May like. After crossing off al the names she is left with only two that could be his crush

Adry: "so Natasha and Lucy, it could be someone I have not met or interacted with but this is the best I got"

Mr. Buster: ok class I know it's late in the year but we have a new student. Come on out

A tall girl with gorgeous red wavy hair. Bright blue eyes, far skin and a curvy body walked in, every guy began to stare at her, Except for Marin. Adry noticed every guy looking at her but couldn't see Marin with out turning completely around.

. . . : Hi I'm Sarah Rose, Clover's cousin I hop we can all get along.

Mr. Buster: find a open seat and we will get started.

Sarah looked around the class and saw Marin.

Sarah: "he is cute" (Marin than stretched causing him to flex a bit, he leaned back showing the v and two abs on his lower stomach "he has abs, hello boyfriend material"

Adry notices her staring and sends her a glare. She didn't notice it.

Sarah: (goes to Marin and flashes him a award winging smile ) hi, is the seat behind you taken.

Marin: "looks back than back at her" don't seem like it

He than turns back to his bag preparing for class

Sarah sits behind him and notices a sweet smell, like cookies and fresh bread

Sarah: what's that smell, is someone eating

Alan: oh that's Marin (points at him) he always smell of sweets.

Sarah leans a little forward at Marin indeed smelled of cookies bread, and even a bit of chocolate.

Sarah: "mmm what a snack"

So I was trying to think were I could go with this, this what I came up with. Also do you guys mind if things got intense, you know what I mean. Not for kid stuff. Also if you want I can just change the end of this and take out Sarah

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