The date

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The school day was slow for both Marin and Adry. They both were nervous for the date. Marin just planed a movie. When he asked her out he didn't think it through.

Last five minutes of class

Adry: "five minutes. . . four minutes, come on almost there"

Marin: " man I'm nervous, should I cancel. No I can't, I have a chance, don't blow this"


Both Marin and Adry shot up

Marin: A Adry

Adry: yes marin

Marin: I'm taking you to a movie for our date. Is th that ok

Adry: sure, does it start soon

Marin: yes, (hold out his hand ) sh shall we g go

Adry: o ok

Adry and Marin: " I'm so nervous

With Alan and Nina

Nina: I hope they have fun

Alan: we are going to make sure they do

Nina: what

Alan: come on we don't want to loose them

Nina: of course, Why an I not surprised

At the theater

Marin got them seats and some popcorn.
During the movie a romantic moment was happening.

Marin "ok you can do this just one motion, just act like your relaxing" (he pretended to stretch. Adry didn't notice because everyone was trying hard not to focus on the idea that this was a date. Marin than slowly lowered his arm but couldn't bring himself to lay it on her) "come on don't be a p- is that Alan"

Marin is looking at Alan. Alan is staring right back mouthing the words, do it. While gesturing his arm down. He looked at Adry who was focused on the movie eating the popcorn . Marin looked back at Alan and shook his head. Alan looked upset, but then had a evil grin. He mouthed, do it or, then he held up a bullhorn. Marin felt fear, the entire date would be ruined. Alan held up on finger with one hand the the horn in the other, he slowly moved them closer.

Marin: "dam it, fine " (he lightly rested him arm on Adry's shoulders)

Adry: (she froze, the popcorn in her hand slipped out, she turn to see his hand on her right shoulder. She turned to to see it belonged to Marin) " he did it, he finally did it. He made a move" (Marin felt Adry looking at him and felt that maybe he made a mistake, he looked at her thinking he was going to get a annoyed or upset face, only to be greeted by her giving him a beautiful smile. She then leans into him and cuddle into him arm"

Marin: "don't tense up, Don't tense up."

Adry: " he is actually not tense. best day ever!"

Marin sees a girl next to Alan give him, what looks like cash.

Nina: no fair you threatened him with a bull horn.

Alan: (graphing the five bucks) don't be a sore loser.

Nina: double or nothing.

Alan: on what

Nina: all the bets today, I bet between now till Adry enters her house, Marin will kiss Adry.

Alan: what, no way girl, I had to threaten him with a bull horn to get him to put his arm on her. He won't kiss her , at least not today.

Nina: a bet it is then?

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