Chapter One Leaving

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( Molly's Pov)

Molly come here please, I hear my mom say. Coming, what do you want. I have some news for you and your brother. What is it. Well my boss transfered me to a new location and well we have to move to Montreal, Canada. What were moving. "Its my first time moving since my dad died when I was 7 and all had for a boy in my life was my older brother Grant. " When are we leaving, I ask. We are leaving in a week so say good bye to your teachers and friends and help us pack. Ok I say to my mom as I leave to go get ready for school. I live in Nebraska so its going to be a liitle bit cooler in Canada but a least I will be use to the snow.

Week Later

When we got to the airport and on our plane I took out my computer and went to YouTube to see if anyone uploaded anything. "YES Bajancanadian uploaded a Hunger games," I yelled a bit to load but it seems know one noticed. So I finished watching that and then started to drift off to sleep.

In Montreal

When we arrived in Canada the airport was packed with people left to right. After we got out of the airport we found a cab and he took us to our new house. I just graduated high school so I would be going to the collage 15 mins from our new house. "Hey mom I'm going to go get some starbucks and go walk around my dorms be back by supper,". So I finally got Starbucks and asked the person behind the counter ( Dont judge I dont know what the person called) for a mocha frappuccino. " Yes what's your name". Molly, I say as I go sit down and wait. " Mocha frappuccino for Molly. I got up to go get it when a boy walked into me and spilled all over us. " Sorry the boy says. No its ok I wasnt watching were I was going.

Hey guys so hope you guys like the first chapter and i dont know if this was a long chapter a short one so tell me in the comments if this short or long. And Comment and vote for more chapters ideas.

Thanks bye. Luv ya

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