Chapter 8 Hospital

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Hey guys sorry for not uploading in a while but finally here it is. 😘

Mitch's Pov


I start to cry. Then all of a sudden someone tackles me.

Flashback over

Hey Mitch hows it going with you and Molly. "Brody what the hell are you doing here.

I thought you were in jail." "Nope you thought wrong." He pulls me up by the collor of my shirt and puches me. Then he kicks me in the stomach and I double over. I get back up and back a way but with him not knowng I grab the knife out of his hands and knife in the stomach. I run downstairs and pick up my mom and carry her out to the ambulance. I run to the cops and say, " Please go get my dad his still in there." Sir are you ok your bleeding. Not knowing I was bleeding

I felt my nose and blood is all over my fingers. "I don't care I'm fine just please go get my dad." "We will sir just calm down." I calm down and let the cops do there business. I go find my brother and I start to call Molly.

Molly's Pov

I was getting out of bed after the horrible nightmare to go take a shower when I get a call from Mitch.

(Mo for Molly, Mi for Mtich..)

Mo: Hey Mitch whats up.

Mi: Hey can you drive down to my house please something happened. I will explain when you get here.

Mo: Yea sure be right there.

I know somethings wrong because when Mitch sounds soft on the phone that you can barely hear him it's always something bad. So I get in the car and drive to Mtich's house. And when I get on to the street he lives on I hear cop cars and see flashing lights. I get out of the car and see Mitch sitting in the back of a ambulance with his little brother, I run over to him and hug him tightly. "What happened Mitch where's you parents. "Um...Brody found our house and shot my mom and knifed my dad and then he tackled me and then I knifed him in the stocmach, he says while starting to cry. " "Mitch I'm so sorry I knew it wasent a good idea to go out with you." "This is my fault." "It's not your fault Molly, Brody is just a sore jealous jackass that can't get over that your with me." "And he doesn't deserve to be with someone like you. A pretty, carming, intelligant girl like you." "Ahh Mitch your the best boyfriend I have ever had." "Eww, get a room you to, Conner says." I start to laugh. Mitch and I start to head to the car and Connor goes with the ambulance to wait to see how mom and dad are doing. We get to the car and Mitch turns the key and starts the engine. We start going towards the road to get to the hospital. When we finally get there we see that they just got there a little bit ago. We go to the front desk and ask what room Mitch's mom and dad are in.

Mitch's Pov
(Don't know Mitch's mom and dads real name so just made them up)
"Hello what room is Kelly and John Hughes in." Oh yes they are in room 112 and 113. "Thank you." "No problem." Molly and I start to head towards the rooms and see one of Molly's best friends parents. Molly runs to them and asks what happened. "What happened to Devin." Devin is one of Molly's friends from 4 grade. I swear he has a crush on her but I never say anything. "Well he got in a car accident and the doctor doesn't know if he's going to make it. They say while starting to cry. Then I look over and see Molly has tear rolling down her face. "So what's wrong with him." "Well he has internal bleeding and he broke his neck. "But the internal bleeding is worst then what they thought. "Ok can u keep me updated." "Yes we will."

Molly's Pov

After hearing everything about Devin, Mitch and I start to walk to the rooms where his parents are. We get there and we see Connor in the room by Mitch's mom holding her hand. She's telling him not to worry. Mitch walks to her and hugs her. He asks how she doing and how his dads doing. "Hey Mrs. Hughes." "Honey I told you, you can call me Kelly." "K, how you feeling." "I'm feeling fine." Mitch asks how his dad's doing. "How is dad doing mom, do u know." "He's fine but the knife almost got him in the heart so we are in luck you got there in time." "Yea." Mitch and I stay a little while more then we take Connor to Mitch's grandmas house and then we head to go get something to eat. We stop at a poutine shop and him I order. We take our food home and we sit down to watch a movie. "Mitch are u ok." "Yea I'm fine, are you ok about the Devin thing." "Yea I'm fine lets just watch the movie then go to bed." "K babe." He kisses me then we start watching the Hunger Games.

Mitch's Pov
After the movie was 1 hour in
Molly was pasted out so I turned off the TV and carried her up stairs to the bedroom. I lay her down on the bed and get under the covers with her. I turned off the lamp and start to fall asleep. I think while I fall asleep about what would happened if I wasn't there to help my parents.

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