Chapter three Helping

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                Molly's Pov        

                In the car 

               " Hey Mitch do you think my moms going to be ok." I don't know but we have to think positive thoughts ok. "Yea I guess, I'm just worried."  I know you are just don't worry, he said.. "Thanks Mitch you are a good friend."  Yea a lot of people say that, he answered. "Your such a weirdo you know that." Yea I know. After are 15  min car ride we finally arrive at the hospital. "Hey Mitch can you come in with me plz." Sure thing babygurl.  Thanks I say with confused face. Why did he call me babygurl, I say to myself.  You comeing Molly. " Yea sorry just thinking." Oh ok lets go then. When we finally got in the hospital I see my brother sitting down in the waiting room. "Grant I say as a run and start to cry in his arms. Molly it's ok the docters say that mom will awake in a view days, he says while hugging me. Oh Grant this is Mitch, I met him at a starbucks cause he spilled his drink all over us. And Mitch this is my brother Grant. Hey, Mitch says while shaking his hand. Hey Mitch thanks for bringing my little sister. Yep your welcome. Then they brohug or what ever they call it. Molly you should go home and rest you look really tired, Grant tells me as I relese it's 9:30 p.m. "Ok but call or text me if mom wakes up ok." Fine and thanks again Mitch, Grant says to Mitch.  

                Time skip * At Home*

                        "Hey Mitch can you stay with me a little bit plz, sorry if I ask for a lot of favors! " No it's fine I will just text Jerome saying I will be home later. "Thanks Mitch, I say in a tired vocie."  Your welcome babygurl. 

        Mitch's Pov

                    Thanks Mitch is the last thing I hear from Molly before she falls asleep. Your welcome babygurl, I say a little quieter. I kiss her on the forehead then think to my self. I really want to ask her out but I don't nkow how to. 

                Molly's Pov

                        *Beep *Beep *Beep. I hate alarm clocks I say as I go to shut it off. "first day of collage. Great!!  I get up off my bed and go to the bathroom. I take off my cloths and turn on the water and wait for it to get warm. My brothers still at the hospital with my mom and I'm going to my dorm room. I get out of the shower and get dressed in some black leggings, denim shirt and some brown uggs with a orange scarf. After I get dress I go downstairs to see Mitch laying on the couch sleeping. I walk over to him and wake him up."Mitch wake up we have school today." Wait where am I. "Your at my house, you must have fell asleep in accident. Opps sorry I ment to go home. "It's ok but we have school so leggo. Ok but we have to stop at my housr for a minute so I can change. "Yea but we have half hour to." Don't worry it takes 10 mins to get to the collage from my house. Fine but lets go. 

                      At Mitch's House

                               We're here. "Nice place you have who all leaves here, it's giant." Well me, Jerome, Mat and Rob. "Wait you mean the Noochm and Woofles leaves with you to." Don't forget about the bacca, Jerome say walking out the door. "And the bacca, I say in to Mitch. Yep I do! " that's so cool and sorry for going all fangirly on you. Don't worry I get it alot. Here come in and I will give you the grand tour. We walk in and Mitch gives me the grand tour. So first we have the living room slash dining room then we come in the kitchen. Then we finally have my bedroom. "Nice room you have, do you like music. Yea I love music. I even sing a little but I don't tell my friends or fans because I think they would find it funny. "Mitch don't worry about that, can you sing a song for me plz and will sing with you. Well I don't know. "Plz, I say with a puppy dog face. oh fine I will, what song. Radioactive by Imagine Dragons. Ok ready.

                        Hey guys this is some what long then the other ones but its still pretty short I think. and I guess I can call this a cliff hanger. Some what of a cliff hanger. But I hope you guys liked and plz vote and comment to help to support me to countiune writing storys thank and BYE!!!!           Luv ya  

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