Chapter 10 OH MY GOSH

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Hey whats up guys it's Molly or TheBengalsGurl here and this is Chapter 10 if you couldnt see by the title and just wanted to say on my last chapter and published it on the computer then I published it on my Ipod thinking everything I did on the computer would go to my Ipod but didn't so sorry if it ends weridly for some people. And I hope you like Chapter 10. See ya.

Hey babe what should we name our new cute and adorable dog. ***
Mitch's Pov

"I don't know babe what do you want to name it."
"Maybe we should name it Bullet, because since he's grey it kinda looks like a bullet."
"That is true and I like the name so puppy your name is is Bullet."
We took Bullet to his new home and when we got there we laid down his bed and got a basket for his toys.
"Hey Bullet want to go on a walk," I say making it sound like he was a little kid."
I grab his leash and we take a little walk down to the pond by our house. After we get there we start to walk back towards the house when I see the girl from the restaurant that Molly and I went for Jerome's birthday.
"Hey babe remember me."
"Yea I do what do you want. "
"Just came here to say hello."
"Ok hello."
When she starts to walk closer Bullet starts to growl at her so she backs up.
"Make your dog get away from me."
"Why he's not hurting you."
"Yea but he was growling at me. "
"So, sorry got to go back home to my girlfriend."
I start to walk home and when I get there I see something at the door. I walk up to it to see what it is and see its from Fed Ex. I walk in and ask Molly what she bought.
"Hey babe what is this."
"Oh that, that's for me I got some new shoes."
"Oh ok well I have a surprise for you."
"What is it."
"Well I was just looking up on line for places to go see and I planned a little cruise that you, Jerome, Haley and me to go to the Virgin Islands and around that area."
"Mitch really you didn't need to do that. When is it."
"It's in about 2 weeks and we first fly to Fort Lauderdale, Florida." Then we get on a Cruise ship and sail."
"Thanks Mitch your the best boyfriend ever."
"I know I am."

***Time skip to 2 weeks***
Molly's Pov
Today Mitch, Jerome, Hayley and I are going to fly to Florida to get on our Cruise ship Mitch booked us.
"Hey babe what should I all bring."
"Well it's going to be hot so bring like tang tops, shorts, dresses, and swimsuits."
I go to my closet to pick out some tang tops out and some shorts to go with them. Then I go to find some dresses for if we go out to eat. I go to to the other side of my closet to get undergarments and some swimming suits. I put everything in my suit case then go to find some shoes to bring along. I get nice Nike tenishoes and some flip-flops. Then I grab some teal vans and put them in my suit case. After I'm all packed I go downstairs with my things so I can put them in our car. Mitch gets all his things and takes them out to the car.
"Hey Mitch I'm going to go get dressed."
"K babe we have about 45 mins till we have to leave."
I go upstairs again and go to my closet to pick something to wear for the flight there. I pick out some galaxy vans I just got in the mail and a white tang top that says, "Success is a journey not a Destination." Then I pick out some jean shorts that have some holes in them. After I go to the bathroom to brush my teeth and then put a little bit of makeup on that I will bring on the trip. I put some foundation, a little powder, eyeliner and some mascara. I walk downstairs and go outside where Mitch is.
"Hey babygurl you ready."
"Yep I am lets go."

Hey guys it's me again and I just wanted to say I forgot to put it in the story but we give bullet to Robby Dob Flob. Or Woofless to watch over. And then the dress in the thing is one I put in the suit case that we brought with her. She has more but just wanted tinpot one in so you know what my looks like. It anyways hope you enjoyed bye. Luv Ya.

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