Chapter 5 Brody

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        Hey guys in this chapter there is a little SMUT I guess you could call it and so if you dont like this stuff just dont read it or what i mean is read tell you get to it then read after its ove. So that all I wanted to say see ya. BYE


            Yes, Mitch I will. Then everything turns black.

                Flasback over

              Molly's Pov 

                  Where am I. No one anwsered. Hello, any one there, help me plz. Yuor be ok sweetheart don't worry I'm here to protect you. "Who are you, let me go."  I'm not going to hurt you, much. "Tell me who you are. Darling you don't remember you boyfriend. "My boyfriend, I sit there thinking tell I reliesed it's was Brody. Brody. So you do remeber me. "Yes I remeber how could I forget the person who abused me and raped me. "How did you fin me anyways. I have my ways but now it's just you and me. Wheres Mitch, what you do to him. Oh your little friend is just with a couple of people that I hired to protect me. Let him go his nothing to do with this. Oh that's where you are wrong little missy. He says as he walks around me while stroking my arms and legs. Get away from me. Sorry we haven't even begun yet. What do y\ou want with me. Oh I'm going to do a lot of things with you. Then he unties me then carries me to a bed then chains me up. No plz BRody don't do this again. Plz. He starts to pull off my shirt. No stop it. I say while I spit on him. Oh you want to play dirty don't yea. No. He starts to kiss my neck while unbuttoning my pants. Then sthrows them across the room. After he starts to fell for my bra strap and then un hooks that. Brdy no leave me alone as I spit at him again. Nope he says while he puts his hands on my back going lower down to my torso and then under my underwear. Then he takes off his cloths and trows them near mine hwile he starts to kiss my lips. I try to make him stop but won't.

               Mitch's Pov

                           Wheres Molly I ask the to people standing next to me. Oh do you want to see her. Then they turn on the T.V. in front of me. Who is that with her. Brody her ex-boyfriend. Let her go. Sorry pretty boy but we can't do that. Then I start to feel around in my pockets to see if I have anything to get out of these chains . Yes I say quitly so no one can hear me. After I get the lock un hook I wait for the right momunt to attack them. Lucky I found an old hammer. Hey one of you, can u make this a little loser there staring to hurt. I guess the guy must be a baby after all. Ok I'm sorry little baby let me fix that. When he walks over I grab the hammer and hit him in the head with it and then I attack the other guy. I found my way to where Molly was and then barge in the room. 

                Molly's Pov

                       Plz can I take a break. Then boom the door opens with a very anrgy Mitch. Mitch jumps on Brody and punches him so he passes out. Molly are you ok. No Mitch, I say with a sad and worried face. Mitch unchains me then he wraps me with a blanket and holds me close. Mitch, I say. Yes he, replys back. Plz don't let go. I won't don't worry. Then I hear sirens. Lets go home, Mitch says calmly. Yes plz.  As we walk out we see Jerome and I run to him as fast as I could. Jerome is like a bigger brother to me since my mom had to be moved to a diifferent place in Canada an so my actually brother is with her. JEROME I yell. Molly are you ok. Me, Mat and Rob were looking for u guys. Hey biggums, you ok, Jerome said to Mitch. Yea dood I fine its Molly I'm worried about. Why. The boys go off to talk alone while the paramedics help me. 

                Mitch's Pov 

                            Why, Jerome ask. I drag Jerome over to a place where no one else can hear us. What's up biggums. The reason why I worried for Molly is that, that was her ex-boyfriend and he raped her so I'm scared he's going to come after her again. Oh biggums we will protect her. But not to be rude or anything. Did she say yes. Yes Jerome she said yes.

                       Heys guys thanks for 100 reads on this book and I am very happy. Thanks so much. I luv you guys as in a friend way even though I don't know some of you. But thanks again and BYE. Luv Ya 


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