Chapter Two Meeting Him

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I was going to do chapter two on wed but decieded to do it now so hope you like.

Molly's pov


I got up to go get my drink when a boy walked into to me and spilled all over us. " Sorry the boy says. No its ok I wasn't watching were I was going.

Flashback over

No it's my fault let me buy you a new shirt. Whats your name. " Its Molly and you don't have to. Yes it's the least I can do. By the way my name is Mitch. Omg are you Bajancanadian. Yes is the flesh, you a fan. Yea I do some minecraft and some vlogs. But I only have 300,000 subscribers. Oh cool maybe we can do a video together sometimes. Yea the would be awsome heres my skype. Thanks, Mitch says. Yep see sometime. Yea see ya.

Mitch's pov

She was so pretty with her blue eyes and brownish amber hair that, that was all I was thinking of until she yelled Omg your Bajancanadian. Yea in the flesh you a fan, I say. Yea I play minecraft and I do vlogs but I only have 300,000 subscribers, she says. Oh cool maybe we can make a video together sometimes. Yea that would be awsome heres my skype. Thanks see ya somtime later, I say. Yep see ya. Bye

Mollys pov

After meeting my idol I walked home to go eat something till I got a call from my brother saying my mom and him are at the hospital and my mom is in a coma. What how, I can't get there I don't have a car. She got in a car accident and ask someone or something, my brother says. Who I dont have any friends. Wait nevermind be there soon then I hung up. Please Mitch still be there. When I got back to Starbucks, I saw Mitch sitting down with another boy with a big nose. I ran in and asked him if he could me a ride to the hospital. Why what happened, he asked. My moms in a coma and I dont have a car so can you bring me plz. Sure, Jerome I will meet you back at the dorm in a liitle bit see ya, he sya to his friend with the big nose. Ok biggums see you later the, the guy said. So we run to his car and drive to tthe hospital.

Mitchs pov

Me and Jerome are sitting at starbucks when I see Molly come running in to starbucks over to!Whats wrong, I say my mom is in the coma at the hospital and I don't have a ride can you plz drive me . Sure, Jerome I will be back later see ya. Ok biggums see ya later, Jerome says. So when we get to the car I hug Molly before she starts to cry then we drive to the hospital.

Hey hope you like this chapter and plz vote and comment to see what other youtubers I should put in this story. Bye luv ya.

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