Chapter 9 Best Day Ever

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Hey guys it Molly or TheBengalGurl and here is chapter 9 I hope you like.

Mitch's Pov

I woke up with no Molly beside me. I get out of bed and go downstairs and see a note on the fridge. It's says
"Hey babe sorry I left I had to go to the store to pick up something's I'm makeing for breakfast."
"P.S. Love Ya babe."
After reading the note I text Molly saying I got her note. Then I go to the living room and watch some TV while texting Jerome to see what he's up to.
*Jerome's is J*
*Mitch's is M*
M- "Hey Jerome what you up to."
J- "Nothing much me and Haley are just watching a movie. What you doing"
M- "Ah got it, well I was wondering if you wanted to go to a hockey games with Molly and I."
J- "Yea sure let me ask if Haley wants to go."
M- "K"
J- "Yea she will go. Text me when you want to leave."
M- "K see yea."
J- "K bye. "
After texting Jerome I hear the door start to open and Molly walks in with 3 bags of groceries. "Hey babygurl your back, what you get front the store." "Well I got some eggs, pancake mix, and some bacon." "Oh nice and I'm going to go get us some orange juice from the fridge." "Ok I'm going to get the pancakes and bacon ready." "K."

Time skip*** After Breakfast.

Molly's Pov
After Mitch and I finish eating him and I go get ready for the Hockey game that we are going to with Jerome and Haley. "Hey Mitch I'm going to go take a shower. " " K babe." I go to the bathroom and take all my cloths off then get in the shower. I wash my hair and my body then I get out and start to dry my hair. After I finish washing my hair and go to my bedroom to get change when Mitch comes up behind me and scares while picking me up like a baby. "Mitch let me go I need to get changed, your a butthole." "I know I am." "Please let me go, I say while making a pouty face. "Fine but you better hurry and get changed ok." "K mom." "Haha very funny." After the thing that happened with Mitch, I finished getting changed then went back into the bathroom to brush my teeth and put on my makeup which consists of a little powder, mascara, and some eyeliner. Then I go down stairs to see what Mitch is doing. "Hey babe what you doing." "I was waiting for you." "Sorry." "It's ok I was kidding." "I know." "K, but we got to go now so come one." "Mitch I told you I don't like to be carried." "I know you don't, that's why I'm doing it."

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