Chapter 7 Nightmare

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        Mitch's pov

                     I had a fun night, I say while thinking of something. Me t. Shes says but gets cut off by me smahing her lips to hers. After a sec she starts to kiss back relasing waht just happened. We sit there for about 30 secs then we let go.  "You ready to go home, I speak to break the silence." Yea, she's say sound tired. Ok. So we get in the car and drive home. 

        Molly's pov

                        Me t. I try to day nut get cut off by Mitch's lips on mine. After a sec i start to kiss back. It was amazing. It felt like a firework blew up all around us but I wonder if. He felt like that to. After a while though we end the kiss and just stare at each other. but then Mitch breaks the silence. You ready to go home. "Yea. ok And we get in the car and drive home. 

           Time skip *** Back at the House***

                         Hey Mitch do you want to watch a movie. Only if we can wtach a horrow movie. You know I don;'t like horror movies Mitch. I know that's the only reason why. "MItch you suc you know that. Dont worry I will protect you from the bad monsters. "Meany. I know. So I go make popcorn while Mitch picks a movie. What about The Grudge. "Um ok. K. So Miych puts it in and we start to watch. Mitch I can't watch anymore as soon as a scary part comes on I jump on Mitchs lap and dig my head into his shirt. Its ok baby gurl I got you, he says in a soft calm voice. "Thanks Mitch what would I do withput you." I dont know. 

                Time skip *** After the Movie***

                               Hey Mitch I think I'm going to bed. Ok Molly, night luv you he say while gently kissing my cheek. "Night, love you to. I say while walking up to my bedroom. How am I suppose to sleep I get nightmare really easly. So it's been 2 hrs and I can't sleep. I look at my phone and it says 2:00 a.m. I get aff my bed and go to MItch's room. "Hey Mitch you awake. Yea what r u still doing up. I can't sleep. Come here babygurl, it's ok I got you. You can sleep with me tonight. "Ok thanks Mitch, I say cralling into bed with him. He's wearing his bosers and no shirt. I put my head on his chest by he's 6 pack. Then I start to fall asleep. 

                  Mitch's Pov

                               I was laying in bed when Molly walks in and says, Mitch are you still awake. "Yea what are you still do up. I can't sleep. "Come here babygurl I got you. "You can sleep with me tonight. Ok thanks Mitch, shes whispers while cralling into the bed. She's Puts her head on my shest next to my 6 pack and starts to fall asleep. Nitght babygurl I whisper."  

                Molly's Pov

                               Get away from me Brody. I love Mitch not you. Well sorry you will never see Miyvh again becauase well why don't I just show you. He turns on a old T.V. and I see Mitch sitting in a chair all tied up. "Mitch, let him go he did noting. Sorry baby can't do that. Then a guy walksup to him and puts a gun to he's temple. NO, I scream. BOOM. I wake up in sweat and Mitch shaking me. Molly wake up, please wake up. "Mitch your alive. Don't ever leave me again got it." I here I, you had a nightmare. I would never leave you. "Thanks Mitch you probably think I werid now don't you. No you just scared me. "Sorry, what time is it." It's 7:00 so go back to bed and get some sleep. "Ok." Hollar if you need anything ok. "K." 

                Mitch's Pov

                                       After the whole thing with Molly I got a call from someone. "Hello, who is this. Mitch help me please, it's Conner. What's the matter. Pease help, someone is here in the house and they have a gun. Ok I will be there soon is Mom and Dad ok. I don't know heard a gun shot, he's says quitely into the phone. Ok Conner I'm in the car but you have to listan to me ok. Ok btu hurry. "I am but where are you in the house." I'm in your old closet. "Ok look out of the closet and go to my bathroom. Why. "Just go and loo under the sink, I have a gun there. Ok. "Then try to remeber when I taught you to  shoot a  gun. Ok. Go upstairs and run out the door and go to the next door neighbors house ok. Got but what about mom and dad. It's fine just go I'm 2 mins away. Ok but hurry. K. I get off the phone and speed up a lttle bit then I dial 911. Hello 911 whats your emergancy. Please come to 126 Allen Ct. ( Idk if that's a real adress or not but who cares.) Ok what the matter sur. "My parents and little brother are there and there is a guy in the house with a gun. Ok we have sent people there bye. "Thanks then." I finally arrive at the house and see Conner running to the neighbors house. Conner wait. Mitch thanks god you here. "HEre gimme the gun a wait behind the car. Ok be careful. I run inside and see my mom laying on the ground holding her chest with blood all aroung her. "MOM I'm here the ambulence is comeing stay with me. Where your father. " I don't know I'll go see but take this in case the guy comes back. Ok. I give her the gun and go upstair to look for my dad. I look in alll the rooms except for the my younger sisters room. DAD  no plx wake up plx wake up. Don't leave me. I start to cry tell someone tackles me. Hi Mitch hows it going with Molly. 

                                Hey I finally got the chapter up and I hope you guys like it. CLIFF HANGER. :P But anyways thanks almost 200 reads. Bye Luv you all. 


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