Chapter 11 Off We Go

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"Hey babygurl you ready."
"Yep lets go."
Flashback over

Molly's Pov
Mitch and I get in the car and start to drive to Jerome and Haley's house. We finally get there and see Jerome getting all of the suitcases outside. We get out of the car to help him. I walk inside to see where Haley is.
"Haley where you at."
"I'm in my room can you come help me please."
"K coming."
"K can you help me bring down my makeup bag and my bathroom bag."
"Gosh how many bags do you have. Better question how many do you own."
"I'm only bringing the three out of 5 bags I own."
"Ya that's not bad at all, I say with sarcasm."
We bring down all the bags and put them in the car.
"You guys ready to rock and roll."
"Yep lets go."
We all get in the car and drive 3 hours to the Canada airport.

***Time skip***

Mitch's Pov
We finally make it to the airport and we head to the front to check in. We get our tickets and then go to the terminal and wait for the plane. While we wait we go to a Starbucks in the airport and Molly and Haley both get a mocha frappechino and a bagel with blueberry cream cheese and Jerome and I get a black coffee with a bagel and regular cream cheese.
"Hey babe will you come with me for a moment."
"Yea sure what do you you want."
"Well I just wanted to say thanks for the vacation and stuff like that."
"No problem babe."
I knew something wasn't right with Molly but I don't know what it could be. It's not like her to ask me to go with her alone and she would've told me in front of Jerome and Haley. I walk back to the group and see that the plane is here. We head up to the line where they take our tickets. We hand the guy our tickets and start the walk towards the plane door. We get in and find our seats.
Molly and I get to sit next to each other and Jerome and and Haley are in the seats next to us. We have a 5 hour plane ride to Ft. Lauderdale, Florida so I get my laptop out and get in youtube to finish uploading a hunger games Jerome and I recorded yesterday night.

***time skip***

Molly's Pov
We finally get to the airport and get off the plane. We head towards the baggage claiming area to get our bags. We pick up our bags and head outside to find a taxi. We find a taxi and we all get in. I'm in the middle of Mitch and Haley and Jerome is in the front. We get to our hotel in Florida and bring our things in the room. Jerome and Haley get a room right next to ours.
"Hey Molly we have a whole day in Florida what do you want to do."
"Um how far are we from Miami." (I forgot how far it really is so I just made it up.)
"It's about 15 mins away. "
"Can we go to the beach there and go out to eat."
"Yea that sounds good lets go over to Jerome and Hayley's room to ask if they want to come."
We walk over to there room and ask if they want to come with us.
"Hey do you guys want to go to Miami and go to the beach and get something to eat."
"Sure sounds fun just give us like 10 mins to get ready."

Haley's Pov

Molly and Mitch just came over and asked if we wanted to go to Miami so I head to my suitcase and get the things out I need to bring. I grab my swimming suit, money, purse, towel and some sunglasses. Molly is bringing the sunscreen.
"Hey babe you ready to go to the lobby."
"Yea Jerome be right there."
We walk done to where the elevators and push the button. The elevator gets here, we get in and Jerome presses the button for the lobby. We get to the lobby and see Mitch and Molly waiting for us by the river thing in the hotel. (Has anyone seen one of those, I've seen one in a hotel in Omaha.) "Hey you guys ready to go."
"Yep lets go."
We head out to the car Jerome rented for us. We get in and Jerome turns the key and starts to head to Miami.
"Hey can you turn up the volume for the radio please."
Jerome turns up the volume and Dangerous comes on by David Guetta. I start to sing to myself so no one else could hear me but I must still have been to loud because everyone turned there heads to look at me.
"Wow Haley you are really good, I never knew you could sing like that, and I have been your friend since 3rd grade."
"Yea, I took singing lessons in 9 grade." "But I thought I told you."
"O sorry."
"It's ok."
We finally get to Miami and we start to look for a parking garage for us to park. We find one and we start to head towards the shops. We walk down the sidewalk and we see a beach. We walk down to the beach but then we see a Starbucks so we stop and get something. After we get done ordering and get our drinks we start to head back to the beach. We get to the beach and Mitch picks me up and throws me over his shoulder.

Guys I'm so so so sorry I haven't posted in forever. I have had softball practices, basketball games and now I'm starting track. I will try to post when I can but I have been having a little bit of writers block so I can't really think of anything. But anyways tell me what sports u like to play. If u do track or softball tell me what your doing. Bye LUV Ya

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