Chapter 1 - Big Hero 6

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So this is basically an AU, where Pidge is Hiro, and all that. Enjoy my beautiful voltron-loving hoomans.


Katie sat in her chair, slumping slightly as she looked at the bot-fighting poster taking up a good portion of her wall. Her bot sat lifelessly at the edge of her computer, awaiting commands. Katie groaned, pushing up her glasses and rubbing her eyes tiredly. She hated waiting into the night for an available bot fight. Katie stretched her arms out and yawned, looking at the clock positioned in her monitor. 11:57. She fiddles with her bot, moving it's gears, making sure it operated as it should, in case a bot fight came up.

All of a sudden, she hears feet clambering up the stairs. She places her bot on the table, a little too heavily, and bellyflops onto her bed, pretending to be asleep. She squeezes her eyes shut, moving her face away from the entrance of the room she shared with her brother, Matt.

"KAAAATIEEE!" Matt yelled, throwing the bedroom door open grandly, in a  stance that would put Opera to shame.

"Maaaatttttt," Katie whined, in a tired voice, rolling over to find her ecstatic older brother's sandy hair in her face as he picked her up. Matt heaved as he picked up Katie, positioning her on his shoulders, upside down. 

Katie folds her arms in protest as her glasses fall on the floor. "What are you doing?"

Matt smirked out of Katie's line of sight. "Helping you for your entrance to the best school ever, and just shaking things up." and he proceeded to bounce around her room, Katie's shirt slipping around her stomach as he did so.

"Look from a new angle."

Katie's eyes landed on her bot. She craned her neck to the side, to look at it better, and a lightbulb clicked on in her brain. She grinned.


Prior to this event...

Matt threw open the doors of a giant lab, and Katie's eyes widened in awe. Maybe this wasn't a nerd lab, she thought silently.

Scattered around the lab were items and new developed technology the students had been working on, some of them moving around on tiny robots, others playing games against them.

"Welcome to the "Nerd Lab"." Matt sneaks a smirk at Katie, and she sticks her tongue out at him teasingly.

Katie's eyes are drawn to a bike in the corner, red in colour, and the wheels were suspended in the air.

"Woah. Electromagnetic suspension?" She whispered in wonder, hovering her hand in between the bike and the wheel.

"Hey. Who are you?" An annoyed voice snapped behind her, and she turned around to find a completely shrouded person, with a helmet on top of their head, which was red like the bike.

"Keith, this is my sister, Katie."

The boy's helmet popped off with a whooshing sound, and Katie came face to face with a fairly handsome man, with the most impressive mullet she had ever seen, and of course, a frown.

"Welcome to the "Nerd Lab"." He rolled his eyes, and Katie felt her face turn red.

"I-i've never seen electromagnetic suspension on a bike before." She marvelled, drawing the subject away from her embarrassing remark.

"Zero resistance," Keith said, spinning the wheel, "Faster bike." He held the wheel, and sighed.

"But," He pulled the wheel off with a grunt, tossing it into a bin full of other wheels that had been tested, "Not fast enough. Yet."

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