Chapter 3 - Continued

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Thank you to CarrieeeWhiteee and all the other people who DM'd me to continue the Cafe AU, (I absolutely love it so I'm going to continue it anyway)!!! Thanks so much for the positive feedback on all the AU's i've wrote so far, and i'd appreciate it if i got some ideas in my inbox too, so fire away at my DM's! (it's pchew, pchew btw)


Keith stumbled into Terrainia nervously, clutching his Panic! At the Disco bag to his chest, as he weaved his way through the friendly crowd, smiling shyly at the people who greeted him. Today, Keith was wearing ripped denim jeans, along with a black shirt and his bangs secured out of his face with a red hair-tie.

Keith also decided to wear a little eyeliner, to try make a good impression on this "Lance" boy, because today was Lance's first day, and Keith unexpectedly felt full of beans.

Keith bounced around the counter, strapping the Terrainia apron around his waist and disposing his bag in the break room before checking his reflection in the mirror.

Violet eyes, turnt-up nose, black hair, long eyelashes.

He thought he looked quite ugly.

He looked at his reflection and made a face, scrunching up his nose and sticking his tongue out, giggling.

Suddently aware it was his shift, Keith quickly checked his phone. There was a text from Shiro;

"Hey little bro! Me and Adam having some alone time tonight, find something to do for now ;)

(PS, loosen up, i'm sure Lancey boy will warm up to you)

Keith's pale face flushed red, as he had told Shiro about how hot Lance was embarrassingly. He stuffed his phone in his front pocket hurriedly, walking to the front counter and seating himself in the turning chair, in which he looked taller than he really was.

The bell hanging over the door rang.

Lance walked in.

Keith wriggled his neck uncomfortably, pressing his face into his right hand, trying to look bored as he locked eyes with Lance, who beamed and walked over.

As he reached the counter, Keith perked up. 

"Hey there," Lance winked at Keith again, and Keith felt like he was going to melt from how hot Lance was already.

Keith rubbed the back of his neck, "H-hey." 

"Do you think you can show me out back? I need to use the restroom." Lance made a busting gesture, and Keith had to hide his laugh.

Keith snorted, "Okay, okay, follow me."

Keith lead Lance out back, oblivious to Lance regularly staring at his butt.

"Damn, what an ass. I'd tap that," Lance murmured as Keith turned the corner to a very white, straight edge bathroom. Keith gestured to the bathroom. 

"Here it is, I'll be out front if you need me." Unexpectedly, Keith returned Lance's wink, making Lance blush and grin stupidly.


Lance closed the bathroom door with a click, and Keith exhaled from sucking his stomach in. He walked, bubbly and beaming to the break room, sitting down, not caring for his shift. He needed to absorb how perfect Lance was.

"OY!" Keith heard a squeal from the chair, only realizing then that he had sat on top of Pidge and her laptop.

Keith grinned, lying across Pidge to annoy her. He batted his eyelashes.

"Lance is soooooo cute." He sighed, and Pidge rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, yeah, and hippos can fly. He is not cute. He seems like a douche-" Pidge said, only to receive a pillow in the face by Keith.

"Yeah, he isn't cute," Keith said in a girly voice, "he's ADORABLE."

Pidge let out a groan, shoving Keith off the chair, making him roll across the chair to Lance's feet.

"I'm adorable, huh?" He smirked, looking down at Keith, who's ponytail had come undone, making him look even hotter.

Keith's whole face went red, and he hid behind his hands as Pidge left the room, giggling hysterically.

"Yes, you are adorable," Keith said standing up and walking backwards, as Lance walked towards him, until he was backed onto a wall, Lance standing over him with a naughty smirk on his face.

"God, you're so hot when you're embarassed . I see you're wearing eyeliner too," Lance whispered into Keith ear, making him grow even more red. Lance placed his two hands against the wall either side of Keith's head.

"Do you remember the Garrison?"

"Y-yes," Keith whispered back.

Lance leaned down and pressed his lips to Keith's, receiving a gasp from Keith. They were locked in a passionate embrace, sharing hot kisses hurriedly. Lance pressed his whole body on Keith, who did the same as they kissed, feeling as if they wanted to melt into each other. Keith slid his hand up Lance's blue shirt, his abs incredibly toned under his long fingers. At that moment, an asteroid could have hit, and they wouldn't care.

They pulled apart, gasping.

"Garrison was nerve-wracking," Keith babbled, "I had the biggest crush on you."

"So did I," Lance said breathlessly, hugging Keith to his chest, fiddling with Keith's bangs.

Lance coughed. "I know this may be sudden, but I just wanted to say I love you."

Keith felt as if he wanted to squeal and yell, he felt as if he wanted to dance the Macarena to the front counter, a dance which he especially hated.

Reluctantly, Keith pushed away from Lance. 

"I better get to my shift." Keith rummaged in his pocket for a pad and pen, quickly scribbling his number down, before tearing it out and handing it to Lance. 

"Call me sometime." Keith grinned at him, planting a kiss on his cheek before heading out of the room, Lance touching the spot where Keith kissed him, a grin on his face.

Lance pulled out his phone.

A few moments later, Keith felt his phone vibrate.

He saw a text;

"Want to grab dinner tonight? You can see why they call me sharpshooter ;)"

Keith hurriedly texted him back;

"Sharpshooter is so corny, but I'll see you at 8 at Delorean Park. Don't be late. :)"





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