Chapter 4 - Gone

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Keith woke up.

He sat up, sweating profusely and shaking, taking deep breaths to calm himself.

Inhale, exhale.

Inhale, exhale.

Exhale, exhale.

Wait, too much exhale!

Keith took a while to breathe properly and at a regular pace. He looked at the wall clock opposite to his white IKEA bought bed. 10:42 am. His eyes went wide.

"Crap, I'm supposed to be at school!" He swore, jumping out of bed and sprinting down the hallway to the kitchen, which was unnaturally clean for mid-morning. Usually, there were dishes piled in the sink, the smell of peanut butter and jelly in the air and the TV ranting in the background at this time. But it smelt like Dettol. The tv was off. The sink was pristine. 

Keith looked frantically around the house for his parents.

"Mom? DAD?" He yelled, each call getting progressively louder until his throat was scratchy and sore from yelling.

He burst into their room, and found the bed readily made, like no one had slept in there for the past 5 years. Keith was shivering with fear, worry, and confusion.

He heard the doorbell ring.

"Mom!" Keith sighed a breath of relief as he ran to the door, throwing it open to let his parents in. They would tell him that guests were coming over. Everything would be fine.

Unfortunately, that was not the case.

It was Lance, the neighbor that Keith had had a crush on for years, since they went to the Garrison together.

That was the moment Keith realized he was in boxers. And wasn't wearing a shirt.


"Oh, hey Lance." Keith tried to ignore the fact that it was 8 degrees out and his crush was making regular glances, you know, down there, with a red face.

Lance forced his eyes to meet Keith's.

"Hey. D-do you know where my family is?"

"M-my parents are gone too. I don't know where they are."

Lance's eyes looked sad, scared even.

"Do you think they went out together?"

"Doubt it, they were never close."

"Did you try the phone?" Lance suggested.

Keith slapped his forehead. Of course, the phone!

He beckoned Lance inside and walked at a steady pace to the phone, with Lance looking at Keith's derriere the whole time.

Keith picked up the phone, dialed his parent's number in and pressed the cold metal of the phone to his ear.

After a few moments, he looked at Lance, terrified. 

"The line is dead."

"Oh god, oh no.."

Lance began running his fingers through his soft brown hair, a look of great distress on his face.

He looked at Keith, clearly panicked, with Keith returning the look.

"What do we do?"

"I-i don't know. I should go get dressed, help yourself to the kitchen if you like." Keith stammers, dashing to his room and closing the door softly with a sigh.

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