Chapter 6 - Older Voltron

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Here we go again.

This is a New Generation AU, mmkay?

Mmkay, let's do this.


"Daaaaad!" Arielle wailed from the dining room.

Both Keith and Lance popped their heads into the doorway. "Yeah?"

"Garrison is about to start, I have to go!" It was break time, the time where Garrison students could head home for a few weeks then come back refreshed. Arielle's parents wanted her to stay longer.

"Do you have to leave already?" Lance whined, coming up to his daughter and hugging her tightly, Keith leaning on the door-frame with his arms crossed and smiling.

"Unfortunately, I do." Arielle sighed and pulled her bag up on her shoulders and gripped her suitcase, adorned in Tumblr stickers and emo quotes which Keith approved of.

It was Keith's turn now. Arielle smirked at her emo dad, who wasn't very good at saying goodbye.

"You're already crying!" Arielle giggled and dropped her luggage, running over to hug her dad, who had tears running down from his violet eyes.

"It's not my fault i'm going to miss you," Keith hiccuped into Arielle's shoulder. Lance came over and wrapped his arms around his husband and his daughter.

They stayed like that for a while, until Arielle remembered she had to go. She pulled away from the hug reluctantly, regathering her bags. "Don't miss me too much, okay?"

Lance winked at Keith, "We'll have our ways of keeping busy." Keith blushed and punched Lance lightly in the shoulder. Arielle made vomiting noises.

"Ew, yuck, spew. I think i'm going to go." She grinned, pulling her bags out of the door.

She looked back at her parents. 

Lance had his arm around Keith's shoulder and Keith's arm was wrapped around Lance's waist. They were both tearing up and grinning at their daughter.

God, i'll miss these dorks, Arielle sighed.

She straddled her motorbike, her bag on her back.

Arielle pressed a compartment on the back of the bike and two seats popped out, along with a suitcase holder.

"Come on! I'm sure Professor Holt will want to see you two!" She grinned and beckoned at them to come. They did not hesitate.

Lance hopped into the left seat and Keith hopped into the right one, almost forgetting to lock the house door, until Lance got back out to do so.

Arielle revved the engine of the bike, loving the jolting and the feeling of being on a motorbike again.

With a push of her leg, they rode down the hill and towards the Garrison.

Ten minutes later...

Arielle parked the bike in the Garrison parking lot, smelling like the wind and adrenaline pumping through her veins.

She hopped out of the bike and took off her helmet, beaming. "Wasn't that terrific?"

"You bet!" Lance whooped and high-fived Arielle.

Keith stumbled off the bike, looking as green as the grass. "I'll be back." Keith made a "Hurk!" sound and ran off to a bush to donate food to the passing feral animals.

Lance made a face, "Still graceful, as always." He sighed at his husband.

"Arielle!" A masculine voice called from behind her. Only one person could sound like that.

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