Chapter 7 - Baby Red Paladins.

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"Lance! Keith!" Shiro yelled down the corridor, "Breakfast is ready!"

The remaining paladins, minus Keith and Lance, were sitting around the breakfast table, clearly exhausted. Pidge had dark circles under her eyes. She adorned a baggy green t-shirt and sweatpants, and was struggling to keep her head off the table. Hunk was bouncing around the kitchen, because he tended to get hyper when he was tired. Shiro's head was propped in his hands as he let out a loud yawn. Allura and Coran were sitting politely, looking at the tired paladins with great curiosity.

"What do you guys want for breakfast?" Hunk asked, getting out the materials he might need.

Pidge's brow creased as she thought about breakfast options. "Maybe pancakes?" She said, in a questioning voice.

"On it!" Hunk grinned sleepily, grabbing a bowl and whisk.

Meanwhile, Shiro was getting annoyed.

"LANCE! KEITH!" Shiro yelled down the corridor.

A cry followed.

All the paladins at the table perked up.

"What the heck was that? Am I hallucinating again?" Pidge said, clearly in a daze.

Shiro got up, and stomped down the hallway, clearly upset that the red paladins weren't getting up.

Shiro pushed open Lance's door, and was responded with a wail that would have made Zarkon go mad.

Shiro clapped his hands around his ears, and peered into the room to find Lance sobbing at the top of his lungs on the bed, but it wasn't Lance.

It was baby Lance.

Shiro's face contorted into an expression of confusion, laughter and anger all at the same time. The face made baby Lance giggle hysterically and fall back on the bed, his oversized clothes wrapping around his tiny baby body.

"Then that means..." Shiro sprinted next door to Keith's room, and found a baby Keith, also wailing, with a developing mullet on his head.

Shiro made the same face, making baby Keith squeal with laughter, falling back on a  pile of clothes.

Shiro went into the room and picked baby Keith up, placing him on the left side of his hip bone, an arm wrapped around his waist.

He quickly went to Lance's room and grabbed Lance, placing him on his right hip bone, another arm around Lance.

By that time, Pidge and Allura had reached the hallway where Shiro was cooing at the babies.

"Definitely hallucinating." Pidge said with a blank face, going to her room.

"What has happened?" Allura said in a concerned voice, staring at the two babies.

"Alluwa! Alluwa!" Lance called, making grabbing hands at the princess.

Allura had to hide her confusion. "What does he want...?"

"He wants you to carry him." Shiro said, dumping Lance in Allura's arms.

"Shiwo! I hungwy!" Keith frowned, making his baby face go all pudgy.

"Me two!" Lance cried, sucking on his thumb.

"Let's go eat then." Shiro sighed, as he and Allura trudged down the hall to the kitchen.

Coran couldn't believe his eyes.

"What the quiznack?" Coran shouted.

"SHH!" Allura and Shiro shushed Coran, "No curses!"

Coran went red, and slouched into his chair.

"What happened?" Hunk said, pouring the pancake batter onto the pans.

"Come look and see," Shiro sighed, holding up a giggling Keith.

Hunk almost dropped the batter bowl.

"I-is that...?" He stuttered.

"Keith." Everyone mumbled, disgruntled.

"How do you think this happened?" Shiro asked Allura with concern.

Allura returned the concern, "Well, during the battle with Lotor and his crew, they made a very powerful weapon which can harvest quintessence, but we didn't know the effect it would have on humans. This must be the after result."

Keith growled at the name Lotor and emitted a very strong odour.

"Oh, Keith!" Shiro gagged, pulling his shirt over his nose to block the smell as Keith giggled gleefully.

Lance emitted the same smell.

Shiro could sware he saw them high five afterwards, but he was too light headed from the smells.

"Who wants changing duty?" Shiro choked, holding Keith away from himself.

Everyone stepped back.

Shiro sighed and grabbed Lance from Allura's arms. 

"I'm so going to regret this.." Shiro grumbled, as he took the two smelly babies to the infirmary.

~Some time later...~

Shiro walked out of the infirmary, pale in the face and holding two, fresh smelling babies. Allura took a long sniff and sighed,

"Much better." She nodded.

All of a sudden, the babies began growing. Quickly.

Lance and Keith's voices began to get deeper as they grew, until Shiro was cradling Keith and Lance. They blinked for a few seconds, looked at each other and screamed.

"I'M IN A FUCKING DIAPER!" Keith yelled, trying to cover himself.

Lance averted his eyes from Keith, and tried to hold his own diaper together, which was tearing dangerously. Shiro dropped the two on the floor, and they sprinted down the corridor, trying to hold their ripping diapers together, Shiro giggling hysterically with Allura.

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