Chapter 5 - OC

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(Her name is Evelyn and she's dating Matt ;)


Evelyn's POV

I sit up and rub my eyes, still hazy from the great sleep I had. God, what was I dreaming about again?

I swing my legs over the side of a bed with a grunt and sit there for a few moments.

There's a rustle of bed-sheets from behind me, and then I feel Matt's warm arms wrap around me from behind. He nuzzles himself into my bare shoulder.

"Morning, Babe." He yawns.

"Morning. Want some breakfast?" I ask.

I can feel him perk up at the thought of food and I suppress a giggle.

"Yes please. You're the best, Baby!" Matt kisses my neck and lets out a raspberry, making me erupt into giggles and squirm, because of course, i'm a very ticklish person.

I get up from the bed and head out of our bedroom, down the stairs to the kitchen and begin getting out ingredients for pancakes, yawning in between pulling them out.

Once I had them all ready, I began mixing them and humming, buttering the pan and leaving it to heat up on the stove.

My eyes drifted up to the window that showed the rolling hills next to our home. Sure, we had Wi-Fi and all that, but I mean, what if we had kids?

The thought made me blush a little bit, but it was going to happen soon.

I love Matt, and Matt loves me.

Things are perfect.

Third Person POV

Matt reluctantly rolled out of the bed after his girlfriend, Evelyn had gone downstairs to make breakfast for the two of them. He grinned at the thought of Evelyn. What did he do to deserve a girlfriend like her?

Feeling the need to answer nature's call, he bustled to the bathroom and shut the door behind him. 

After much contemplation and pep talking, Matt hauled himself back downstairs.

He sniffed the air.

"PANCAAAAKES!" Matt yelled happily, skipping down the stairs two at a time, until he reached the kitchen where his gorgeous girlfriend had finished the pancakes, grinning and holding out a plate for Matt.

"Here, eat them." She said, handing the plate to Matt, "I'm going to take a shower."

Matt grinned naughtily to himself, "Okay."

Once Evelyn was safely in the shower, Matt left his half-eaten pancakes and scampered upstairs to the bathroom door, opening it soundlessly.

He pulled off his clothes and pulled open the shower curtain, hopping in with Evelyn.

"Matt!" She squealed, covering herself with her hands, Matt blushing furiously as he looked her up and down hungrily.

He began to kiss her neck, receiving a short gasp from Evelyn.

"Matt... we can't do this." She switched off the shower and looked him in the eyes, Matt giving her his best pouty face.

"Why not?" Matt drawled the "not" out.

"I'm saving myself until we get married you dork." She smirked at Matt and grabbed her towel, wrapping it around her body.

"Oh-" Evelyn turns around, folding her arms and smirking at Matt, "You also have a boner." She let out a little giggle as she exited the bathroom, laughing into her hands with Matt looking extremely flushed.

"Your pancakes are getting cold!" Evelyn called from the bedroom.

Matt sighed, getting dressed and heading back downstairs, his plan to devirginise Evelyn had failed.

Oh well.

He grabbed the pancakes off the counter and headed to the couch, switching on Netflix and picking a show to watch.

All of a sudden, the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it!" Evelyn and Matt said at the same time, Matt beating her to the door and opening it to Lance and Keith.

Lance was wearing a white polo shirt and ripped blue jeans, and Keith was wearing a Panic! at the Disco shirt with ripped jeans as well, Lance's left hand in Keith's back pocket.

"Hey!" Lance grinned, giving Matt a fist bump, Keith smiling at both of them.

"What's up?" Matt asked curiously, as Keith and Lance exchanged knowing looks.

"Uh, there has been a fight."

Matt's eyes widened. "Who was in it?"

Lance winced and rubbed the back of his neck. "Shiro, Pidge, Hunk and Allura. They all got wasted and..." Sadness flashed behind Keith and Lance's eyes and Matt had a sneaking suspicion he knew what happened.

"They-" Lance's voice broke, "They drove over Delain Cliff."

Matt's hand clasped over his mouth. Two fat tears rolled down his cheeks as his eyes were wide in disbelief.

"Pidge, Hunk and Allura are okay, but Shiro.." Lance let out a sob and Keith hugged Lance, a tear running down his cheek.

A determined look spread over Matt's face.

"Take me to the hospital. Be ready in 5," Matt said with a grim look, closing the door and running upstairs to grab something he knew would heal Shiro.

Matt held it up, it's blue glow filling his eyes.

"The last Altaean crystal," He whispered, his eyes filled with wonder.

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