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Lissa's POV

"We have to go help them!" I was almost screaming. We'd finally got word of a location for them. Janine just shook her head. "Princess, it's not them anymore and you know that." I refused to take that as an answer. "I know I can help them! Everyone knows I can. We have to go after them." I could hear her sigh, even though she wasn't close to me. Christian rubbed my back. He'd been standing behind the chair I am sitting in, constantly preventing me from standing up in outrage. "We cannot risk others lives to go after them. As I said, they are dead, it's not them. We can't help them." I could see the exhaustion in her face.

Our school had been attacked a month ago, by strigoi. Students had been secretly practicing magic at the borders of the school, which in turn destroyed the ward protecting the school. It allowed them to attack us. The school found out quickly of the attack thanks to Rose and Dimitri, which helped minimise the toll of death, for us. Between the guardians and the dhampir students along with a handful of Moroi students the school was able to take out a large number of them. Sadly some students and teachers had been taken off to some cave a few miles off of campus, and we got them back... Well most of them.

My best friend had been taken, along with her teacher. The teachers had organised a retrieval of all those that had been taken. She was the best in her class, and he was considered a god to the guardian world, so of course it was a good idea for them to go. Only, they didn't come back... They had gotten all of the alive captives out, and as they made their escape there was another attack on them. Lots had gone wrong during their ambush, resulting in a rather difficult escape that left them vulnerable. And that's how it happened. They got the captives out, they did their duty, but they didn't get themselves out... I'd lost my best friend, and her mentor. The loss at the school had hit everyone hard, they weren't the only ones lost, but they were the worst loss for me and my friends.

Rose Hathaway and Dimitri Belikov. Rose only 17 when she died, Dimitri 24. Both taken from the world too young... Well taken from our world. To our world they are considered dead. They had died in that cave, but they hadn't stayed dead. They had been turned. Turned into the monsters of our world, they were both turned into strigoi. As soon as that happens, people are considered lost. There is no coming back from that... Only now there was a way to fix it. I could fix it. Being a spirit user I have the ability to heal people. I researched day and night after I found out they were gone, and I found one passage about a spirit user charming a stake and turning a strigoi back. I didn't care about backing up my findings. I had to try it!

"Please." I pleaded, my voice weak. I needed to do this, I needed to save them. Janine shook her head again. "I'm sorry, it's too dangerous, especially for you." Argh! I'm so sick of being tippy toed around because I was the last Dragomir. I stood up in a huff and stormed out of the room. If she isn't going to help me I'll do it myself. "Lissa wait." She called after me. I was hopeful for a minute, thinking she'd changed her mind. "I'm not trying to be the bad person here." She had changed to a kinder tone. "You know how good they were, how strong they were, they were the best in this school. Think of how strong they'll be now, how ruthless they'll be. They won't hesitate when they see any of us. Even I would be no match against them, and not just because of my feelings for my dead daughter. They will be unstoppable."

I could feel my blood boil I was so mad. Ever since Rose... Died our bond was gone. She could no longer help me manage my emotions. She could no longer draw away the darkness that would form inside of me, a side effect of using spirit. Our friend Adrian manages his spirit side effects by indulging in alcohol and clove cigarettes. I on the other hand didn't, so it would take its toll on me. Christian was following me as I briskly walked away. "Lis, stop. Calm down. You need to calm down." Christian grabbed my arm, and forced me to stop walking. "No, I will not calm down. We have a chance to help them, to save them, but no one will let me! So I have to take it into my own hands. I have to save them by myself."

"Seriously Lissa! Stop, you know you can't do that. I miss her too, but I can't loose you over it. We will figure it out, but don't act out hastily and risk your own life. I can't loose you." I hung my head in shame. "I can't just leave them out there..." He pulled me into a hug and stroked my hair. "We'll figure it out, I promise. Besides, you can't stake both of them at once. We need a plan." I furrowed my eyebrows as I thought about that. "True. But Adrian, he can help." To that Christian laughed. "Look I know he's always had a thing for Rose, but he's always despised Dimitri. I honestly don't think he'll do that. I'm sorry." Then the anger returned. "Well how else can we do it? It has to be a spirit user that stakes them, otherwise it doesn't work! He has to help!"

Then I left. I didn't wait for him, I just walked away. I needed time to think, on my own. So I went back to my room, to try and think of a plan that would work. After about an hour I jumped off my bed and grabbed my coat. I ran downstairs as quick as I could, and out the front door. It was nearly curfew, and I had stuff to do. I ran most of the way to guest housing, then started slamming my fist against the door. Then a very groggy Adrian flung the door open, he was shocked to find me standing there puffed. "Hey cousin?" I pushed my way passed him into his room. "I need to talk to you."

So we sat down and I told him everything I'd found, and that I needed his help. "Look Lissa, as much as I want to say yes, I can't. She's gone. And she's with him, you'll never get close enough to stake them." Again that darkness returned. "I need your help! You have to help me, otherwise I'll just do it on my own." His eyes went wide with disbelief. "Even you couldn't be that stupid. You can't do it on your own." I laughed a sickening laugh, it surprised even me. "I'm not just going to sit by and leave them out there when I know I can help them!" He sat there rubbing his temples. "Lissa, how do you even plan to achieve this? They'll kill you the moment you get near them. If they wanted help they would've come back, they would've seeked it, not embraced it." Great, another person that won't help. I stood up and left before he could stop me. I'd get this done on my own, if thats what it will take.

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