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Dimitri tossed and turned all night, I guess so did I. Well, I didn't really sleep. I felt so bad for upsetting him the way I did. I understand what he is going through, after all, we both were the undead and then not again. The only difference is, he has a family that cares deeply about him. I had Lissa, but that is in no way the same, and she only cared about herself. I'm sure he will eventually forgive what I did. I didn't mean any harm by it, I just wanted to lessen the worry on both sides. I slipped out of bed while he was still sleeping. I was going to need a hell of a lot of coffee to get through today... I made two cups of coffee, one normal, and one with three shots of coffee. Guess which is mine... LOL.

I quietly took Dimitri's coffee into the bedroom and placed it down on the bedside table. "Thanks." He spoke as I placed it down, giving me a hell of a fright. Man, I thought he was still sleeping. I smiled as I went to walk away, but he reached out and grabbed my arm. I just barely managed to not spill my coffee everywhere. I placed my coffee beside his, so I wouldn't spill it. He didn't say anything, he just pulled the blankets back and made me lie down in front of him. He pulled the blankets over us and just wrapped me in the biggest embrace. He was so warm, and smelled amazing. We laid like that for a few minutes before he finally spoke. "I'm sorry Roza, so, so sorry. I know your intensions were good, and I totally overreacted. I can't stay mad at you, I slept terribly last night, I'm truly sorry." He spoke softly against the back of my neck, sending tingles down my spine.

"I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have gone there behind your back, it was wrong for me to think it was okay." He gently squeezed me, letting me feel all of his love. I still feel terrible, but better now that he found it in himself to forgive me. We stayed like that for a while, then I remembered the coffees. "Oh shit, the coffee!" I exclaimed as I sat up, causing him to just chuckle. I grabbed a cup and passed it to him, he took a sip and then coughed a little. "Wow, that is really strong!" Oops. "Oh, that's my one." I laughed as I gave him the other cup. "Yeah, I didn't sleep last night. Strong coffees only for me today." He just shook his head at me. We stayed in bed while we drank the coffees then decided to get up. We let the pups out into the backyard to go to the toilet and run around.

"Today, I am going to surprise you." Dimitri said, as we were sitting on the couch in a warm sunny spot. The sun was at the perfect spot to shine right into the lounge and onto our spot on the couch, it was so warm, almost too warm! "Oh, is that right?" I asked as I turned to look at him, he just nodded. "Can I ask what the surprise is?" I said as I cuddled up to him. "We're going back to my families house." He said simply. I sat up to look at him, I wasn't sure if he was being serious or not. "Seriously?" I asked, scanning his features for a change, but he just nodded. "Are you sure you're ready?" I asked, nervously. He sighed.

"You managed the courage to go see them, with them having no idea who you are. As uncomfortable as we are around people still, you still went. You faced my family when I was too scared too, with all the scrutiny and questions as to why they haven't seen or heard from me for ages. You were still brave enough to do it, your bravery has given me the courage I need to face my fear and face my family. Besides, my mum would've loved you, I just have to take you back to see her again." He said with such a kind smile, much like his mums smile. "I am curious about how she took the news of our being together. She will be just waiting to chastise me for not telling her sooner, I'm sure." To that I just awkwardly laughed. "What?" Dimitri asked, bemused. "Oh, well I didn't tell her we were together. I was talking about you and then she said how much of a great friend I was to you... so I just kind of went with it." I couldn't look at him when I said that, but he just laughed again.

"What if she thinks I'm like too young for you or something, and that's why she just presumed that I'm your friend? I didn't want to give her a bad impression of me." I felt stupid but justified. "I'm sure she wouldn't think anything of us being together. Honestly, she probably figured it out but didn't want to put you on the spot." Mhmm, I hope he is right. She liked me yesterday, I don't want to ruin that. "I'll tell you what. When we go there today, we won't say anything about the matter. We'll just see if she says anything about it." I just nodded along with what he was saying, I felt a little weird about it all but I'll go along with it anyway. We decided to head off after we had breakfast, the closer the time got, the more nervous Dimitri got. When we were finally ready to go, Dimitri just froze at the front door. "Maybe this was a bad idea..." He said as he started to step back away from the door. "Too late now, the pups are all excited to go in the car again. Can't disappoint them." I laughed as I pushed him out the door.

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