Chapter 10[Truth]

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Rose looked up and saw two feathery black wings and then saw who they belonged to. Lucius brought her back over the edge and threw her to the ground.

''You think you can escape I think not.'' Lucius said landing next to her. He took the red crystal from her. ''I see ,clever but not so clever.''

Lucius grabbed Rose by the arm. All Rose could do was cry. She tried escaping twice he was to clever for her. He dragged her further and flew her down only holding on to her arm. When they were near the ground he threw her and she landed on her arm. When she turned around to where she saw Lucius with his guards she saw Kat standing there with a mark on her face.

''Lucius please don't hurt her.'' Rose asked as she stood up.

''Why not? She helped you escape.''

''No she didn't. I waited for her to leave and then I ran.'' Rose said.

Lucius grabbed Kat by her hair and pulled her down to her knees. Rose stepped forward to stop him. Kat was smiling as tears rolled down her eyes.

''Lucius please , please don't hurt her I'll do anything.'' Rose pleaded.

Lucius smiled and looked down at Kat. ''Why are you smiling little whore?''

Kat started laughing. Lucius stopped grinning and looked at her as if she was the strangest thing he ever saw. Lucius bend down next to her still griping her hair.

''We all would like to know the joke.'' Lucius said starting to get frustrated.

''You think killing the blood of your enemy is going to end it all.'' Rose laughed harder.

''What are you talking about?'' Lucius asked serious.

''Come closer and I will tell you.'' Kat said.

He moved closer to her and she jumped forward and bit a piece of his ear off. Lucius grabbed his ear blood oozing out.

''You little...'' he said

Then he grabbed her by her hair and pulled her head back before Rose could stop Lucius took he ripped Kat's head off .

''NO!'' Rose yelled tears running down her face.

Lucius lifted her head up to where his face was and he grinned. He let go of her head and her head fell to the ground rolling to Rose. Lucius took his ear in his hand to try and stop the blood and then he started walking back to the castle

''Bring her.'' He said.

The two guards pushed Rose making her walk pass the woman's remains who tried saving her. She was hurt , she lost tree people who were important to her in less than 3 months. She didn't know how to feel. She had not tears left in her to cry she was numb. When they reached the castle Lucius personally took her to her room and made sure the guards won't fall for her tricks again. Rose climbed in the bed and stared at the sealing.

Lucius's POV:

Lucius went to his study room to find Gregory sitting there doing some paper work.

''Lucius what brings you here this time of our?'' Gregory asked.

''Kat said something that caught my interest maybe you've read something about it?'' Lucius said.

Gregory folded his hands. ''I am all yours.''

''Before I ripped her head off.''

''Ohh such a gentleman.'' Gregory joked to only get the look from Lucius.

''She said something about that if I think killing the last Romero I am wrong.'' Lucius sat down in his chair. ''What did she mean.''

''I don't know Lucius. You hit her so hard before you left maybe she had a concussion.''

''Maybe, would you ask around?''

''On it.'' Gregory said.

Gregory and Lucius sat there for a hour talking about the kingdom. Lucius greeted Gregory and went to Roses room. He kindly nocked on the door to hear nothing in return. He opened the door and saw Rose fast asleep on the bed. He walked over to her and sat next to her knowing she wont wake up.

''When I was told you were alive I was angry. It made me angry that you lived. I found where your home was and when I went to your home I only found your mother. Two weeks past and I wanted to finish what I promise myself years ago. When I found you ,you were sitting at you mothers grave weeping. Your pale skin shone so beautifully and your dark hair complimented your tiny body. Every detail of you is perfect. I couldn't do it so I left to only return that night. You were asleep like you are now but you were having a nightmare and tears rolled down your cheek. I took your hand and held it in mine. The whole night I sat by you. I never told anyone about that knight. ''Lucius took Rose's hand in his and gave it a kiss. Lucius left the room to go to his.

The next morning Lucius ordered his guards to escort Rose to the dinning room. When she entered the Room ,Lucius almost chocked on his omelette when he saw her. She was more pale as she normally was and her eyes were swollen meaning she cried before she came here. She did not make eye contact with him and again sat on the furthest chair from him. He knew she was going to sit there so he made a maid make her a plat there.

''Good morning.'' Lucius said but Rose only looked down at her plate. ''You should eat.'' Rose still just sat there.

''The light will shine in a few ours. You see we only have light once every 10th days and for a maximum of 17 ours. Much differed from earths day and night.'' Despite his effort in trying to make conversation Rose only sat there frozen looking at her plate.

''Demons don't sleep so when the light comes we drink a potion to let our body's rest.'' Lucius said.

''Why are you so nice to me why not just throw me back in the dungeon?''

''I only threw you there because I had guests over and would not have been happy if they knew I had a human here. I had the dead bodies put there so no one could smell you.''

''I saw two human men being carried away by demons.''

''They were gifts.'' Lucius said with a grin.

Rose lifted her head and looked Lucius in the eye. ''Why don't you just kill?''

''What makes you think I am that sort of demon?''

''You killed my father and my mother and my best friend then you took Kat's life and to top that you gave two men away as if they were worthless.'' Rose stated.

''Don't put it like that and for the record those two men were criminals.''

''And that makes you a ?'' Rose asked getting angry.

''I don't know a hero.''

''Ha.'' Rose rolled her eyes. ''What do you think is going to happen we are going to be best friend and tell each other all our secrets?'' Rose said sarcastically.


Rose stood up and looked at Lucius as if he was the devil himself but to her he was. '' I will never ever trust a murderer like you.'' Rose said with hatred in her voice.

''GO TO YOUR ROOM!!!'' Lucius said as he slammed his fists on the table.

Rose looked him up and down and left the dinning room to go back to her room.


The beast is in love. Will Rose find as soft spot for him or will she hate him forever? Thank you for reading. Have a great day/nigh and if you liked this chapter please vote..


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