Chapter6[The meeting]

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Rose woke up few ours ago and she now sat against the metal bars . It was still very dark and she knew she spent days here . The sun should at have least came up twice but it was pitch black all the time. She breath out heavily and a sudden voice behind her ear made her scream and jump forward.

''It's not that bad.'' the voice said.

''Who are you?'' Rose asked as she trembled by the sudden sound.

''The devil himself sweetheart.'' .

''What do you want?'' Rose said trying to sound unfrighten but failed.

''I would like to have dinner with you but first you need to bath ,you reek.' 'He said. Then he lighted a match to light the torch on the wall.

Rose covered her eyes with her arm the sudden motion of light hurting her eyes. The man started opening the sell door and when Rose took her arm of her eyes and saw the man she started to back away from him until her back hit the wall. The man had horns like the bull thing that she saw through the window but his were darker and bigger. His eyes were black it frightened Rose.

''Stay away from me , you...'' Rose trembled off ''you monster.''

''I am trying to be kind and take you out of this sell.'' The man said.

''You people put me in here in the first place!'' Rose yelled defending herself.

''You people? Well actually I did , not me Gregory but on my order.'' He said standing at the cell gate.

''Why?'' Rose asked.

''First you have to take a bath then we can have a chat ,come on.'' He said as he walked forward and reached out his hand towards Rose.

Rose pushed herself more against the wall. ''Stay away from me.''

''Sweetheart get up and lets go.'' He said still standing were he was holding out his hand.

''I'm not going anywhere whit you.'' Rose said.

''Funny how you think it was a question .'' He said going forward to Rose and picking her up bridal style in his arms.

''No, no let me go. I SAID LET ME GO!'' Rose yelled as she hit him.

''Be quiet before I snap you in two.'' He said looking her dead in the eye with no humour at all.

Rose went quiet she was so scared. The thing carrying her was masculine and she was no match against him. He must have been twice her size. His hare was dark brown and went down to his shoulder. He carried her up a lot of stairs through the darkness and she couldn't see anything until they reached a door and when he kicked the door open there were torches light every where.

''I can walk by myself .''Rose said .

The man put her down. ''Don't even try anything.'' he said.

Rose looked at her surroundings. ''I wasn't going to.''

The man hummed in response and let the way. Rose was to frightened to make a run for it. These were things she never saw in her life who knows what they might do to her. They walked through a hallway with red stone walls and black tiles. They passed a lot of doors before they reached a double door.

''Take a bath. There is a dress on the bed wear it .''The man said as he opened the door and gave Rose a signal to enter.'' By the way my name is Lucius. Don't make me wait.''

Rose entered the room. It was a large dark room. Black everything the bed sheets were black the pillows were black the thin material curtains were black. In the middle of the room was marble bath. Rose examined the room and saw that there were two large window without metal bars on them. She made her way there thinking that she can escaped but when she reached the window and looked through them she inhaled a deep breath. They must have been up at least 30 floors. She turned around and went to pick up the dress. It was along sleeved light pink dress that had waves going down to the floor. Rose threw it back on the bed .'What is going on. Is this even real.' she thought. She walked to the door and opened it a little so that she could look through in to the hallway. She saw two of the same things she saw in the dungeon stand outside except they wore black armour . Rose softly closed the door , she sucked in a deep breath.

The two guards stood outside on their masters command to make sure the girl don't escape and to escort her to the dinning room when she was done taking a bath. They didn't like a human being in their dimension but it was their masters choice so they excepted it . They stood there for a half a hour when they heard something fall. The two guards looked at each other . One of them nocked on the door and when he didn't hear a answer he gave the other guard the signal to go in. When the first guard entered he got hit over the head and went fell unconscious. The second one entered and Rose only managed to hit him on the arm. He looked at his fellow friend lying on the ground and he looked back at Rose with the candle holder in her hand ready to strike.

With a ruff voice he said ''You can't escape.'' and then he looked her dead in the eye.

''I'll take my chances.'' Rose replied.

''I'll let you go .'' The thing said.

''Why would I trust you.'' She asked.

''If I wanted to hurt you do you thing a candle holder would have stopped me?'' He replied looking at the candle holder in Roses hand.

''Right.'' Rose said as she lowered the candle holder. ''I'm just so stressed out I don't even know where I am or what's going in it's all just so over whelming you know?'' She asked him as she puts down the candle holder.

''Oh, yes I know . I didn't even want this job but my dad insisted.'' he said rubbing his head.

''Really why.'' She walked pass him.'' Don't turn around I need to dress.

''She walked pass him as he mumbled on about he how he didn't like it here and she took the other candle holder an blew out the candles and stood behind him with it over her head.

''Sorry, I cant trust anyone right now.'' Rose said behind him and when he turned around she hit him as hard as she could over the head and he fell to the ground. 'Gullible' she thought as she search their bodies for a weapon only to find nothing. Rose left the room and entered the hall.


To be continued . Thank you so much for reading. Have a great day/night and if you liked this chapter please vote.


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