Chapter 2 [Silhouette ]

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'I knew I should have gone to bed last night. Rose thought standing in front of a customer taking her order. The old woman sitting in front of her had been through life and it seemed like life has not been kind to her. She had pain in her eyes to prove it. Taking her order back to Drake the chef. She accidentally bumped into another waiter and caused 3 cups of coffee to fall to their mediate destruction.

"Rose look what you've done!" Sofia the waiter shouted at her.

"I'm sorry. I'll pay for it." Rose said in defence.

All the customers turned their heads to see what al the commotion was about.

"Bet you're ass you are." Sofia said.

"Girls stop. Rose office now. Sofia clean up this mess. " Mr. David said as he gave Rose a sharp look when she passed him to get to his office.

''But this isn't my fault!" Sofia yelled.

''Stop your bickering and do as I say Sofia.'' Mr. David said making his way to his office.

''Ugh, I hate this place. ''Sofia said starting to pick up the glass.

Falling down on one of the old brown chairs in front of Mr. David's desk she waited for him to sit down and give her a lecture but instead he gave her a glass of water and aspirin then went to sit in his chair.

"I thought you were doing fine Rose?" He said not once making eye contact with her just looking down at the papers on his desk.

"I am. I'm doing much better Mr. D. " She took the aspirin and drank it.

"So why didn't you get any sleep last night? Did you stay up crying again?"

" I did sleep. I actually had a decent nights rest Mr. D" She said as she gulped the last of the water in the glass.

"Is that why you have bags under you're eyes, because you had a decent nights rest?" He said as he lifted up his head and made direct eye contact with her.

"Mr. D I..."then he cut her of.

"Rose. You have to stay strong dear. We all miss her so much. She was the light of this old rusty town. Her smile made others smile , but it has been two months. It's time to take yourself in consideration."

"Mr. D. I need to tell you something." She looked at him debating whether or not to tell him about last night.

He stared blankly at her waiting for her to tell him.

"I...I think something is trying to scare me.'' She said sitting upper in the chair.

He stared at her in confusion .

"Something happened last night. There was something coming after me. Trying to hurt me." She said waiting for him to answer but he shook his head.

"Nonsense. No one wants to hurt you. I think you should go home and get rest. I don't want to see you the rest of the week. Rest well child." He said as he stood up from his chair.

"Mr. D." She quickly said in defence also leaving the chair.

"On my order. Go no excuses. You will get your pay check and I wont use your vacation time. " He said as he walked to the door to leave .Then he turned around with one hand still on the door. ''I want you to really rest Rose and think about... think about what you want to do in life . Okay?"

''I will Mr. D . Thank you.''

He nod his head and left. Rose then got her things and passed Sofia feeling her hated gaze on her back. She decides not to go home she feelt to fundable there.' I need to be in a public place.' She thought. When Rose entered the doors of the library she walked up to the counter.

"Rose dear. I haven't been expecting you today." The librarian said.

"Yeah. I just decided to come in. Do you have books that contain any subjects of the paranormal ?"

"Ohh sweetie why would you want that?."

Rose just gave a awkward smile.

''Well we don't . Sweetie as you know we are a small town we only have few books. Mostly what the town folk wants to read.'' the librarian said.

''Okay. Thank you . I'll see you Friday.'' Rose said giving a polite smile and then leaving.

Going home she went to her room to see it was 12:23 pm so she decided to take a nap.

Waking up in a dark room unable to see any thing she jumps up and run to the light switching it on.

"Thank god." she whispered.

She stared at the light then at the wall clock above her bed. It's 01:27 am. She started to undress so that she could take a shower. Walking to her door she shut it and made sure it was lock before going to the bathroom to get in the shower. When she was done she dressed in her blue pyjamas 's they are as comfortable as it gets. Walking to her bed as she combed out her hair. She puts her brush on the nightstand and switch on her lamp before going to the room light and switching it off. Slowly getting in to bed she braces her self and switch of the night lamp. Then she fell asleep again.

3:49 am. She wakes up again to a loud bash on the door. She reaches to switch on her lamp but the power is out. Her eyes wide looking side to side to see if she could see anything. Mentally cursing herself for forgetting where she put her phone. The door slammed open and she screamed backing up on her bed. She could make out a long skinny silhouette slowly moving from the door to in front of her bed. She was shivering ,goose bumps all over her body. She knew that this was not a human entity. Then she saw it standing up straight to the length her roof was .It opened it's eyes and she yelped. It slowly came near her face to the point where she could feel the droplets of whatever it was dripping down from it's face on her chest. She was numb and couldn't do any thing except lay there in silence.


It screamed in screeching voice that ringed through her ears and made her push it away from her and run to the door but it grabbed her by the arm and pushed her against the wall.

"The king will be reborn."

He said in his screeching tone. Then it was gone and the lamp went on. She felt her legs give in and she fell to the floor. Crying she stood back up and ran down the stairs to outside the house. She just kept going until she found her way to Tiana's apartment. She banged on the door over and over again until a sleepy Tania opened the door.

"Rose?" Tania said in confusion.

Rose went in for a embrace and started braking down.

"Hey. What happened? Are you alright. Come inside it's freezing."

Tania is Rose's best friend since they could walk. They grew up together. Tania always stood by Rose no matter what and most importantly Tania has been there for Rose every single moment since her mother passed. She was the one who called the police when Rose held her mother in her hands. They made a promise when they were young 'together forever.'

You just met Tiana. Now I hope you're ready because now you're going to meet 'him'. Thank you for reading have a great day/night and please vote if you liked this chapter.

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