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Minho's POV

Kibum needs to go to Seoul today. Taemin can't go with him so I and Jinki have to babysit. I tried to persuade Kibum to stay at home, but he said that he needs to buy important things for Taemin and can't let me or Jinki to choose them. So I am stuck in house with baby.

Kibum left early so Taemin is still sleeping and he avoided crying from the baby. I am sitting in the kitchen with cup of coffee and Jinki is playing with his phone. I don't know how but the overprotective mood jumped from Kibum into me. We have baby monitor on table but I am not feeling like it is working.

"I need to use toilet."

I jumped from my chair.

"So why don't you use the one downstairs?"

"Because I don't like that one."

"Uncle Minho is scared and wants to see our little angel?"

Jinki doesn't lift his eyes from the phone and chuckle.

"Well maybe I am scared of Kibum."

I don't wait for his stupid comment and run upstairs. I sneaked inside Kibum's bedroom. The crib really suits here and Taemin has perfect view out of the windows, he doesn't care but still it is nice.

Taemin is so cute. His perfect lips and small nose. His short fingers and smooth skin. Everything on him is perfect. He has pink pacifier between his lips and sucks on it from time to time. Kibum made sleeping bag from him. It has pattern with bunnies which are probably Taemin's favourite animals. At least he loves his pink rabbit plushie with long ears because it needs to be everywhere. During eating the plushie sits on table, during playing it is always close to Taemin and even during bath time it sits on bathroom counter. The sleeping bag is necessary because Taemin has funny habit, which is funny only for him, to kick his blankets away. But then just in onesie he is cold and starts to wail and it always wake up us. With the sleeping bag he can kick but can't get rid of it. Suddenly he whined behind the pacifier and woke up. He rubbed his eyes with his small fists and then smiled when he spotted me.


Taemin pointed at the empty bed and whimpered.

Yes he can say few words, we were dumbstruck when he has spoken for the first time and Kibum was wailing because his baby said umma as the first word. We were surprised that he started to speak so early. One day he was rolling around on carpet with pooped diaper and laughing and second day he started to speak.

"Umma is buying you toys kitten so you will be with uncle Minho and Jinki."

I don't know when I started to use this nickname but Taemin is just too cute to resist.


This is his way to call me and my heart is melting every time he says it. He squealed happily and makes grabby hands toward me. I smiled at him and unzipped the sleeping bag. I see that his diaper is wet. I opened the diaper and wipe his crotch. He is whining so I quickly finished it and rub baby powder into his skin. Then I slide fresh diaper under his bum and closed the tapes on sides. Taemin is calm again and sucked on his Hello Kitty pacifier. I go to closet where is his clothes and Taemin whined because he realised that he hasn't his rabbit plushie. I hand it to him and open the closet. I dressed him in white babygrow with polar bear on chest.

"So baby time for breakfast."

I carry him downstairs and Jinki has already prepared food for the baby. Warm bottle of milk is waiting in microwave and I sit Taemin in highchair. Jinki made warm chicken puree and I take the baby spoon.

"I changed his diaper, so I will feed him."

Taemin is happy baby boy so he is laughing all the time and we need to laugh too. He has such big smile that his eyes are almost closed. I am wiping the puree which is dripping from corner of his mouth. After breakfast it is time for bottle. Taemin pointed at Jinki and babbled.


I take it as he wants the bottle from Jinki so I hand him the baby. Jinki is feeding him and Taemin is hungrily sucking until the bottle is dry. Then we sit him in baby swing and turn on the vibrations.

Taemin is cuddling with his plushie and soon fell asleep. He is sucking on the pacifier and I wipe saliva of his chin. When is the baby napping we can relax. I want to do work around the house, so I put clothes in the washing machine and Jinki is cooking lunch. Well he only put food which Kibum cooked in oven. We have cheese buldak and Taemin has roasted carrots with parmesan. Kibum is really master of cooking. After lunch Jinki goes to read in his bedroom and I am playing with Taemin.

We are playing with wooden blocks, I am building columns and Taemin is destroying them. We are having fun but suddenly he started to cry.

"What is wrong Minnie?"

I lean closer and smell what is wrong. He is pooped. I quickly and carefully lift him and go to find Jinki. I changed his wet diaper, but pooped diaper is whole different level. I go to find Jinki but on door of his bedroom is note.

Went out for run

Jinki you little shit! I will deal with him later. Taemin starts to cry even more so I hurry to Kibum's bathroom where is changing pad. I lay him on the soft surface and take few deep breaths before I opened the diaper. I almost vomit on the baby because it is gross and it is almost everywhere! I showered his bum and finally managed to put him in fresh diaper. He stopped crying when I rub his plushies against him cheeks. He is smiling again and I hug him. Minnie is so happy just with us and it is incredible how three people can make him happy. I am bouncing him on my hip and sit on couch. Kibum is always reading encyclopedia to Taemin so I opened it and start to read him about sea life. I am not sure if Taemin understands because he is only sitting in my lap and plays with handle of his pacifier. He is resting his head on my shoulder and slobbers on my shirt.

"You know what kitten? We will watch Pororo, it is penguin too."

I closed the book and turned on the TV. Taemin happily clapped his hands and watches the colourful cartoons. We are in middle of the episode when Jinki came back from jog. I show him middle finger behinds Taemin's back and suddenly Kibum smacked me. I don't know when he got home but here he is.

"Are you crazy? What if the baby sees it?"

Kibum turned off the TV and lifted whining Taemin.

"Shh baby umma has toys for you. Educational toys and games which we can play with uncles."

Taemin whined again and pointed at the TV. Kibum is walking out of the living room and he reached his hands to me. I only nod to show him that uncle Miho is funnier than umma. Maybe I have almost puked on him during changing his pooped diaper but I am still funnier.

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